Wrong Choice

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"I got silver tounge with no words to say. I gotta a winnign shot with not game to play" -Like Yesterday Luke Conard.

Emilys POV:

I get a phone call from Cerys. I answer.

Emily: Whats up?

Cerys: We found Anna!

I tell Joey as he gets some water. He runs over. I put her on speaker.

Joey: Now did you find her alive or..

He chokes up I rub his back.

Joey: Alive.

Cerys: Alive she is a Portline Adoption Center. We will drive over and get you guys and go get her.

Emily: Thank you so much see you soon!

I hang up and I kiss Joey. Zoe walks in.

Zoe: Wow!

Emily: They found Anna!

Zoe: Oh my god this is awesome!

Cerys POV:

We run out and get in a Taxi.

Joe: So that kiss what was that?

Cerys: Nothing don’t worry about it lets just forget about it. We have bigger fish to fry. I mean it is not like we could ever become something.

Joe: Ya, you are right.

Joeys POV:

They pick us up and we head up. Once we arrive Emily and I run in.

Lady: How can I help you?

Joey: We are here for a baby that looks like this.

I get out my wallet and show a picture.

Lady: Oh yes she is so new here. How do you know her?

Joey: She I sour daughter.

Lady: Well in that case we have a No “Get Back Policy”.

Emily: Listen lady we didn’t take her here.

Lady: Then who did? Are you on the wrong end of some kind of a joke.

Emily: No that is my baby.

Lady: How do I know this?

Emily: She has a freckle on her left pinkie.

Lady: Listen I..

Cerys: Cerys Crince private investigator this is her baby. We have many ways to prove this and we can bring you to court for holding the baby hostage. I will do it.

Lady: I will be right back.

I hug Joey. She comes back with Anna in her arms my eyes water and I smile.

Emily: Hi Anna.

I hold Joey close.

Lady: You are right she does have it on her pinkie. I need you to do some paper work and you are free.

We finish paperwork and I hold her in my arms. I hug her and I never want to let go. This has been a long journey.

^^^^ 2 days late^^^^

Connors POV:

We got back a day ago and I just look out our window that is all I can seem to do.

Nicole: Connor I know O2L is a huge par your life and you had to let it go but this is for the better.

Connor: I let them down. This channel is going to fall.

Nicole: Not true the boys are amazing they will figure it all out. I mean they all have girlfriends except Trevor. They will make sure they stay in gear.

Connor: I know I am just scared.

Nicole: Scared of what?

Connor: Making the wrong choice.

Nicole: What is the other option?

Connor: Nothing don’t worry about it.

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