Guard Me

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Joeys POV:

I drive to the airport. I wanted to get sick. What did I do? Should I tell her or should I just keep it a secret? I have to hide this. I can't let her know that I did this. She would never forgive me from my mistake. I can't believe this. I should have never thought that. I should have trusted her judgement. She smiles as she comes out of the plane. I run to her and pick her up and kiss her. Tears come down my eyes. I couldn't believe I did this to myself.

Joey: Please don't ever leave please.

Emily: I won't leave. Why would you say that?

Joey: I love you I love you so much please.

Emily: Joey whats wrong?

Joey: Nothing its just I love you.

Emily: I love you to lets go home.

Joey: Can I cook you dinner?

Emily: I would love that.

She smiles and I just try to tuck away my tears. I love her so much so so so much and I may have just ruined it all. We drive home and I take deep breaths. Once we arrive Emily goes and unpacks and I make chicken with pasta. I boil the pasta and flip the chicken. The smell fills the kitchen. It smelled so amazing. I wanted to enjoy it but I was just so sad from what I did.

Emily: Smells awesome!

Joey: Ya!

All of a sudden the power goes out. The power lines have must have been struck after all it was bad out there. 

Emily: I guess we are having a candle light dinner.

She smiled and grabbed some candles. I smiled at her and fixed our plates. I then put them on the table as Emily lights the candles. She blows out the match and throws away the match. I pull her chair out and we eat. 

Emily: This is amazing. True chef hidden in that amazing hair.

She smiled and I plastered a smile back to her. 

Emily: I love you so much and thank you for understanding. I really love you Joey thank you for not over reacting at me.

My eyes started to water and I took my napkin off my lap.

Joey: I gotta go use the bathroom real quick.

I run off into our room. I cry on the bed thinking of my mistakes.

Emilys POV:

Joey runs off into our room. He seems really upset. I debate about going to check on him and then I finally get up. I knock slightly on the door and I can hear him sobbing. I open the door and see him crying on the bed. I wal over and sit next to him. I take his head into my arms and rub his back.

Joey: No just leave I hurt you enough.

Emily: What are you talking about.

He backs out of my arms.

Joey: I have hurt you enough I have damanged us enough, It is all my fault. I did this I did this to us.

Emily: Did what?

Joey: Emily I cheated on you. I went on a date with a girl named Kat. I called the hospital in NYC and they said your mom wasn't there. I knew you lied. I though that you had cheated so I freaked out and I cheated on you and when Sam texted me I was on a date.

Her eyes started to water and she took a deep breath.

Emily: I, can't. believe. you.

Joey: I know I am sorryy.

I shake my head I am really mad.

Emily: We are married Joey. WE ARE MARRIED!!!

Joey: I know I know. I was stupid. Oh so stupid.

Emily: You don't even care about me.

Joey: Yes I do!

Emily: No you don't you only care about yourself.

I get up and walk out the door. I was done. I slammed the door and was about to head out the front door. My hand touched the knob but I didn't open the door. Suddenly his I remember our convo from eariler. I said I would never leave. That shwat I am doing now. I am breaking a promise. I run back upstairs and I open the door. All of a sudden the ground starts shaking. We are having in earthquake.

Sawyers POV:

I cover Flynn with myown body. I can't have her getting hurt. I love her to much. I want to marry her. She cries. She has never been through this before. She was shaking with tears streaming down here face. Once the shaking stopped. I held her in my arms and wiped her tears.

Sawyer: We are okay. Its okay I promise. Nothing is going to hurt you.

Flynn: I love you.

Sawyer: I lvoe you too!

Connors POV:

Nicole was getting the mail and the earth started shaking. I look outside to see if she was okay. I didn't see her. I run outside once it started. I couldn't see her anywhere.

Connor: NICOLE!!!

Nicole: Right here.

I look over at the car. She was under the car. I haven't seen this one yet. Help her out and check for any brusies or cuts. I kiss her cheek and take her inside.

Connor: Are you okay?

Nicole: Ya! That was awesome lets do that again!

I shake my head and we laugh.

Joeys POV:

Emily runs back in the room and an earth quake starts. I cover my body to protect her. I wrap my arms around her to make sure she stays safe and sound. Once the rumble stops I help her up.

Emily: You guarded me.

Joey: You camee back. I care about you I didn't want you to get hurt.

Emily: I promised you that I would never leave.

Joey: I love you.

Emily: I love you even more.

I dip her and kiss her. See we cracked but it was just a scratch. But in the end we were able to fix it.

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