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Nicoles POV:

We head out for New York today and I have a huge knot in my stomach. What if they hate him? Or even what if my Dad punches him? Connor then would never want to be with me. What if my Mom screams at him or my brother makes fun of him? I don't want to take there risks but I have to for the love of my life. I hope all goes smooth.

Joeys POV:

Emily isn't getting any better at this point she will be getting surgery later tonight. I am nervous about her she is making it sound like she is going to die. I wish she would just give herself some hope. Just a little sprinkle of hope. I know that she is tired of fighting for he rlife but I hope she keeps trying.

Emilys POV:

Joey keeps on trying to push the thought of me still living. I no there is no chance what so ever. Even after his whole 5% thing I still don't believe him. I am fighting just so he can have hope. I know my time is done and I am ready to leave. I have said my goodbyes to everyone except Joey. He refuses to say goodbye.

Flynns POV:

Things have been going great as far as my love life anyway. Emily not so well but I am there for her no matter what.

Sawyer: You okay?

Flynn: I should ask you that question. Emily has that opperation tonight with that whole 5% thing.

Sawyer: Ya, Em told me that Joey gave her a whole thing about that.

Flynn: Well we can just hope for the best.

Emilys POV:

I am prepared for surgery and Joey is holding my hand.

Joey: You are gonna be fine.

Emily: Joey listen, if the other 95% happens I want you to move on. 

Joey: No no way.

Emily: Joey, Anna needs a Mom.

Joey: You are her Mom.

Emily: Joey face the music. I am not going to live.

Tears stream down my face.

Emily: I need you to move on please for me for Anna for you.

Joey: Okay for you.

Emily: I love you Joey and no one else but you need to love again.

They start to wheel me to the OR. It makes me feel afraid that I may not see him again.

Emily: I love you Jo don't forget that. Never ever forget me okay?

Joey: Okay.

And off I go.

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