A Little Trick

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Joeys POV:

Emily has been out of the hospital for about a week now. She has Hazel Grace hair as I call it nice and short. Today we were going to drop off Anna with Sawyer and Flynn. My parents haven’t seen Anna yet so they will be coming up next week and Emily is not speaking with her mother. Connor and Nicole are stuck in Boston due to weather so they should be in New York soon because it has finally cleared up. Any way back to dropping Anna off. Emily and I are going to Rose Beach for our anniversary which happens to be tomorrow which is very exciting. We drop her off and drive to the beach.

Nicoles POV:

We finally arrive in New York City. Connor and I get on a subway. We are about to get dinner at a fancy restaurant. My father always likes to show off plus this was my favorite place to go for my birthday every year. We walk in and they say we have a reserved room in the back. We walk out and we were under the stars. It was amazing and the breeze was so nice and calm. Softly blowing my hair. I hug my parents and Connor shakes their hand’s. We sit down and talk and then a little slow song comes on.

Connor: Will you dance with me?

I give him an odd look but before I know it he takes my hand to the little dance floor in our little area. I lean on his shoulder trying not to look at my parents. He stops and he holds my hands.

Connor: Nicole I have to be honest with you. This was all a set up. Your parent don’t hate me in fact I met them over Skype that you didn’t know about. I asked about you and they said that you were the kind of girl who had high expectations. So I figured proposing would be a struggle. I didn’t expect you to say yes to either of my purposes. I knew you would be stubborn and I thought it would be even more special if I did it right here right now.

He gets down on one knee and pulls out a box. I gasp.

Connor: Nicole, you are one of the most amazing girl or for a matter of fact human being I have ever met. You always figure out what I am doing and you spoil your own surprise so I figured I would really have to go out of my way to somehow get you to marry me. I couldn’t live without you.


Connor: So my love will you do the grateful honor of becoming, Mrs.Franta?

Nicole: Yes!

I scream he pops up and puts the ring on my hand. He kisses me and I hug him.

Mom: Fooled you for once.

Dad: And you said it couldn’t be done. You are lucky you have a smart boyfriend.

Mom: Couldn’t have tricked you without him.

I laugh. This was the first time I could smile and not have one thing to worry. Relief courses through my veins.

Emilys POV:

Joey and I just finished swimming at the beach and we were enjoying dinner. I get a phone call from Flynn. I excuse myself from the table which I usually don’t do but I figured this was important.

Emily: Hello?

Flynn: Hey Em um Anna is sick she is throwing up like more than usual and she has a temp of 104.

Emily: Oh my god we will be down there we are only about 20 minutes away.

Flynn: Em you don’t have to do that. Tonight is special for you.

Emily: My baby is sick I will be there in a half an hour.

Flynn: Okay see you then.

Emily: Bye.

Flynn: Bye.

I rush back to the table.

Emily: Joey Anna is sick she is vomiting more than usual and she has a temp of 104.

Joey: Is she alright.

Emily: I think so I just have this feeling.

Joey: Feeling?

Emily: Yes, as a Mom you know when there is something wrong with your baby and I have that and I just wanna make sure she is okay we ca drive back once we check.

Joey: Okay Iets get going.

We pay the check and drive to Flynn and Sawyer’s place. The moon wasn’t out even though it was dark. That was weird for LA. We pull in the drive way. I try to unbuckle but I couldn’t get it. Joey tries to help me. All of a sudden the car starts shaking.  Joey hovers over me. Before we know it we are in a full blown earthquake. I hear a crack and a snap and before I know it a tree lands on the car knocking both Joey and I out.

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