Lost Cause

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Joeys POV:

I look at the doctor as he is about to answer. Trying to read what he is about to sya on his face but I can't. He is like a stone. My heart is pounding my palms are sweating and my eyes are ready to tear up for the possible answer that is about to come.

Doctor: Well it seems that your wife didn't...

Sawyers POV:

I stair at my phone in hopes of a call from Joey or the hospital they were supposed to let me know what happened as well. I guess its a race to see who calls first. Flynn went to bed. Well it is 2 in the morning so I understand plus she has an interview tomorrow for a job so I figured she could use some sleep. I hear my phone. My ring tone was "Love Again" by GEM I love her! (to all my not so normal readers :-p) I answer it was the hospital. She tells me the news and I drop my phone on the ground. I cover my hand with my mouth in shock.

Flynns POV:

I wake from a crash down stairs. I bet Hitch just knocked something over. I went back to bed.

Annas POV:


Joeys POV:

Doctor: Sorry your wife didn't fit our 95% percentage. So we put her in the 5%.

Joey: Excuse me?

Doctor: Sorry that was a bad joke at a bad time. Your wife is part of the living 5% Joey. She is alive go see her before she wakes up.

I smile and hug him. I run up the stairs the elevator took to long. I rush into her room and I see her  sleeping with bands all over her head. I smile and run in. I pull up a chair and grab her hand. I kiss her forehead.

Emily: Oh darn guess you are gonna have to deactivate that eharmony.com profile.

She opened her eyes and they were back to the crystal clear ocean blue.

Joey: Em!

I pull her close and kiss her.

Emily: I figured I would stick around a little longer after all. I want to make sure I don't miss the Stanley Cup.

Joey: For hockey?

Emily: Touchdown!

I laugh and I hug her. Sawyer comes in with ballons.

Sawyer: I was so shocked when I got the news I broke my phone.

Emily: I have no comment at this point.

Sawyer: For once.

Emily: Rude!

Joey: And a little disrespectful.

Sawyer: Oh god Joeily is ganging up on me.

Flynn comes in with Anna in the carrier.

Fylnn: Sorry I was parking the car.

Joey: So when are you fixing your phone Sawyer.

Flynn gives him a weird look like she doesn't know what happened.

Sawyers POV:

Flynn gave me a weird look. I forgot to tell her.

Emily: Who cares! Let me see my little baby.

Flynn brings Anna over to her. She walks back to me.

Flynn: You broke your phone?

Sawyer: You didn't hear me drop it?

Flynn: I..

Joey: Well we are one happy family now.

Emily: Was she good well they were sticking things in my brain.

Sawyer: Great.

Flynn: Ya Joey she has your eyes all the way.

Joeys POV

Joey: You could imagine my relief on that.

They laugh. If only they knew everything behind it.

Emily: Well tomrrow we get to see my Hazel hair cut.

Joey: Hazel hair cut?

Emily: Like Hazel Grace my hair is short at this point.

Flynn: Hey one last thing to worry about.

To think that she was a lost cause. And now look at her. This is amazing.

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