Find The Words

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Cerys POV:

We are all human right? We all make mistakes. We think they mean somethig but secretly they don’t. I keep saying this to myself hoping that I believe it. I should have never kissed Joe. What was I thinking he is going back to England. In  fact he is leaving in three hours. I hear a knock at my door as I sit in my wheely chair in my hotel room. I don’t care to answer it. All of a sudden Joe walks in.

Joe: You know maids should not leave the carts all alone people like me may take the key.

Cerys: What are you doing here Joe?

Joe: Well I am going back to England really soon.

Cerys: I know so what are you doing here then?

Joe: I was wondering if you had any reasons.

Cerys: For what?

Joe: For me to stay! Cerys I really like you. If you say you like me back I will stay here.

Cerys: I will not stand in the way of you going home Joe.

Joe: That’s the thing I want you to get in the way instead of being a brick to stop me I want you to be a wall.

Cerys: You want me to stop you?

Joe: Only if you like me and would consider me as a boyfriend.

Cerys: I have no words to give Joe.

Joe: Fine I am on my way. Let me know if you find any words.

Nicoles POV:

What is the other option? Is he being threatened by people? I am worried about him. I couldn’t sleep at night at this point. Connor was napping I walk upstairs and ask him.

Nicole: What is going on?

Connor: I was sleeping.

Nicole: Why did you quiet O2L.

Connor: To focus on my channel.

Nicole: That’s such a lie!

Connor: So what if it is! It doesn’t concern you in any little bit. Nicole it is my choice leave it at that.

And so I did.

Emilys POV:

With our guests gone and Anna back home you would think I would be at ease right? Well wrong. I have been worried day and night and tomorrow Anna starts Daycare. I am filming some short films with Sawyer all week and next week I start my new job as a writer for People magazine. I am nervous some mean fat baby will sit on her. I mean she is a tiny peanut. She fits I Joey’s two hands. I am so glad I have him as a support system but lately he has not been has helpful he is how do you say? Very distant. I thdon’t understand why but he is. Like he is going to ruin only thing but he does the exact opposite and I Ithink he does not understand that. Gosh Emily lets just focus on your little girl’s big day. Yes lets focus on that.

Cerys POV: I couldn’t stair at the wall anymore I just couldn’t I needed to get away

Joes POV 12 hours later:

Being in London is been great in all I mean I did miss Casper.  But I do like the US much better it is much more dry and warm which has been nice this past week or so. We ordered a pizza. We hear the door and I answer.

Cerys: I think I found the words. In fact there is three I have come up with.

I Love You


Emilys POV:

I drop Anna off holding back every single tear. I get in the car and just cry. I swear I almost made a pool. I look at the clock and realize I am almost late for shot. I head out with blurry vision.  I see a billboard. I see Eric’s face on it. I stop in my tracks. Suddenly I eject from my seat and I am in the air.

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