More Then One

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Sawyers POV:

Flynn: No.

Sawyer: No?

Flynn: I can't even right now?

Sawyer: Are you kidding?

Flynn: Yes of course I will marry you!

I hug and kiss her.She scared me that was not cool! Now I can't even :-)

Joeys POV:

Emily: Oh it seems Flynn and Sawyer are getting married.

Joey: Oh thats awesome.

Emily: Ya it is. Maybe I don't know at this pint.

Joey: Oh its Sawyer be happy.

I kiss her cheek. She seems sad. Does she feel bad about what happened between us and her and James? She shouldn't she came back. We came back joeily is back this is awesome.

Emilys POV:

We arrive home and Joey and I are going to move in with David and Meghan. I know it is last minute but we want a house. WE bring all our boxes over and we are all thristy.

Emily: Starbucks run?

Meghan: Yes!

David: Gurl I am done.

Joey: I'll drive?

Emily: Lets go!

We get in the car and drive to the cute little shop. A girl with blonde hair with blue tips was working the counter. Her name tag said Kat. Joey got up and ordered and right away he grabbed my hand. That was strange. Did he know her?

Kat: Joey! Did you bring your wife to make me feel worse about this whole thing?

Joey: No, I didn't know you worked here.

Emily: I am sorry am I missing something.

Kat: Did Joey not tell you that he cheated on you?

Emily: Yes, I knew its in the past.

Kat: Well it was me who he cheated with.

Emily: Alright.

Joey was shocked by my calmness. I didn't want a scene.

Kat: Alright? Is that all you have to say?

Emily: Um four vanilla teas.

She rolled her eyes and laughed.

Kat: Wow you have got some nerve.

Emily: I do watch this.

I put my hand on Joey's cheek and I kiss him. He kisses me back. I pull away. I get back to normal after that.

Kat: Wow, how could you forgive him after he cheated and then ran into me at the store while he was getting dinner for you two and he asked for me back.

Emily: Did he now?

His eyes widened. I knew it wasn't true.

Emily: Make our orders please. 

I smile and she brings them back. We get in the car and check them out to make sure she didn't do anything to them.

Joey: What she said..

Emily: Wasn't true. I know. You would have mentioned that you felt so bad that night.

Joey: You are such a devil.

Emily: Well you are one too.

He smiled and we drive home.

Kats POV: 

I was so sad. I didn't want to be bitter it just crushes me that he just dropped me like that. I thought he liked me well I guess not.

James POV:

I look at our pictures I watch our videos. I see her new upload she moved into a new house with Joey and its like she never knew me and that kills me. I thought she cared for me and I was dropped and I shattered like a glass.

Connors POV:

Seems like everybody is just getting married left and right. I walk over to Nicole as she was watching tv. I plop on the couch and lean against her.

Connor: Lets get married.

Nicole: No?

Connor: You and I together by the state of California.

Nicole: Laziest will you marry me ever.

Connor: Well I love you. You love me lets get married.

Nicole: Over my parents dead bodies that we do that. Connor this isn't just a quick fast thing you can do. 

Connor: Do you not think we will last?

Nicole: Well if we are I should get a better will you marry me speech. I mean my god that was sad.

Connor: Nicole lets be real wold you marry me?

Nicole: Ya, when I get a real proposal

Connor: That wasn't good enough?

Nicole: No.

She gets up and goes upstairs. This is a lot of effort to get married.

Emilys POV:

We finish putting stuff away. We have a toast.

Joey: come on lets have some wine!

Meghan: Ya!

David: I am down!

Emily: I am good.

Joey: Come on Em!

Emily: Joey I am good on that one.

I smile and he poors the wine. 

Emily: I am tried I am going to bed.

Meghan: Party pooper!

I wave and go upstairs. I get dressed in my pjs and Joey soon walks up.

Joey: Whats up with you?

Emily: Joey can I tell you something?

Joey: Of course!

Emily: I am pregnant.

Joey: Thats great when did you find out?

He smiles and I take a deep breath.

Emily: When you got dinner.

Joey: Thats awesome! Why aren't you happy?

Emily: I am.

Joey: Then lets be happy together!

Emily: I can't.

Joey: Well why not?

Emily: It may be James baby Joey.

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