Brown Eyes

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Seven Months Later...

Emilys POV:

Zack and I are still going storng. Joey's parents have been keeping him on life s keeping him on life support. I wisjh they woyld just  let go that would be nice. I don't like thinking that he is just laying there all day. Doing nothing he leaves off a machine. His poor fans. The baby is coming in a month and I am very excited. Fingers cross that all goes well. 

Meghans POV:

I just sit at the end of the bed and stare at him. This seems so unhuman. Joey has scruff which is kinda cute but I just wish Emily was here for him right now. I feel like that would bring him back keep him kicking. I think his parents want him alive just in case the baby is his and the baby can see him once. I have a feeling that Zack will be the fatherr figure for the baby. I mean he sounds nice but he will never be as good as Joey would be when it comes to being a Dad.

Emilys POV:

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach like a knife or a bullet. Zack grabs my hand. I wanted to throw up.

Zack: Want me to take you to the hospital?

Emily: Ya!

We drive to the hospital and walk in. I am put in a wheel chair and they put me in a room. The doctor comes in and looks very nervous.

Doctor: It seems that you are in labor.

Emily: No I am only eight months.

Doctor: Thats the issue here. We need to do an emergancy c-section.

Zacks POV:

We take Emily to the OR and I get scrubbed in. I run in and grab her hand. She was crying she looked scared. They start to get the baby and I hear a beeping.

Nurse: Doctor she is losing a lot of blood.

Emily blacked out I start to freak out. They got the baby and I didn't hear a cry. This scared me so much like my own child.

With in a second I heard a cry. I smled and heard the doctor scream out.

Doctor: Its a healthy baby girl! She is just fine and Mom will be too.

I smiled and I saw the baby. They show me the baby and she had brown eyes and long lashes. They take her away and I get out of my scrubs. This is so amazing.

Emilys POV:

I hear a knock at the door and I slowly open my eyes. The lights flood in my visipm. The nurse was at the door with my baby. I smiled and she brought her to me. She was sound asleep.

Nurse: Here you go hun. She is a healthy baby girl we will give you sometime to think of a name.

Emily: Thank you,

Zack welcomes Sawyer and Flynn in they rush over and just smile at her. I then remember I need to ask Zack aquestion.

Emily: Zack?

Zack: Yes hun?

Emily: What color eyes does she have?

Zack: Brown I think.

My heart dropped. Well I messd up big time.

Lukes POV:

I walk in and see Meghan at the bed.

Luke: Babe, I know this is hard to think but Joy's parents will be down her in a week  they are going to shut off alll the machines.

Meghan: What? They just give up on him like that?

Luke: Emily had the baby they think it is brown eyes Emily hasn't seen herself but yep it isn't his.

Meghan: No no no no not my bestfriend.

Luke: Meghan we have to let go.

Meghan: I hate this!

Luke: I know you do 

Meghan: We can't let him go.

Luke: We have to. We have to let Joey go it is his time.

Meghan: You are right.

I don't want to let him go but I will. I mean what does he have to live for. He doesn't have a baby or a wife so really what does he need to keep going for?

Emilys POV:

The baby started to cry I don't have a name for her yet. I see her eyes. They were green! An amazing emerald green just like her dads. The nurse comes in. 

Nurse: Have we thought of a name.

Zack smiles at me. He doesn't know what I am thinking.

Emily: Yes, Anna Michael.

Zack looks at me.

Emily: Graceffa.

His eyes widen. The nurse leaves and he blows up.

Zack: Graceffa? Graceffa? Really.

Emily: Yes what is so wrong?

Zack: Emily why not Lace thats your last name.

Emily: No Graceffa is my last name by law.

Zack: Were did Michael come from?

Emily: Its Joey's middle name.

Zack: Wow.

Emily: My husband is in a coma he is not coming out of.

Zack: But your boyfriend is right here.

Emily: My ex is right here. I want Joey and only Joey and when I get out of here I am going after him. You wanna know why?

Zack: He is gone Emily. G O N E. 

Emily: We are shattered we are crashed and burn but we are building ourselfs back up thats how it works.

Zack: Fine Emily I am gone.

With that he left. As soon as I am out of here Anna and I are going home I just know it.

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