Dead 1 Of 3

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 Contest info in the authors note!

Joeys POV:

I wake up with a head splitting head ache. I look over and there is a tree in our car. I pull Emily up and she is fine. She wakes up.

Emily: Oh my god are you okay?

She puts her thumb on my cheek wiping blood.

Joey: Ya are you?

Emily: Yes I am fine!

Joey: Oh my god Emily!

Emily: What?

Joey: Anna!!

We both get our ways out of the car and break down the door Flynn and Sawyer were no where to be found I didn’t really care at that moment.  We could not find any one. Emily starts to cry I hug her. The celling was no longer there nor the second floor. Before we know it we see three people. We make out there figures. We could not believe it.

Nicoles POV:

I get a notification on my phone. BREAKING NEWS: California takes on huge earthquake! I couldn’t believe it. All I could think of is Anna. I try to call Emily and Joey but they don’t answer. Connor comes in.

Connor: What is wrong?

Nicole: Emily, Joey, Anna our friends!

Connor: what happened?

Nicole: 6.5 earth quake in California.

Connor: Well are they all okay?

Nicole: I don’t know! They won’t answer their phones!

Connor: Its okay we will try to get the next flight there.

Nicole: Connor it just had an earth quake there is no chance of getting down there.

Connor: You are right.

Nicole: Our house! What if it is destroyed!

Connor: We build it back from the ground up Nicole. We have one another that’s all we need.

Emilys POV:

They walk closer to us. I grab Joey’s arm. I didn’t know if they were going to hurt or help us.

Emily: What do you want?

Jessica: Emily we are not here to hurt you we promise.

Tyler and Lisa nod.

Lisa: We think we know where Anna is.

Emily: Oh my god where?

Tyler: Well Zack may have got her.

Emily: what would he want with her!

Lisa: Well he was in jail for hitting an officer so he broke out before the earthquake he some how knew you were on vacation. He hide in the bushes. Waiting for the perfect moment. The earthquake hit and he came right in and took her.

Joey: How do you know all this?

Jessica: He left a note that only we would find.

Tyler: That’s how we communicated

Emily: Why were you talking with him?

Lisa: He was asking if you were alright.

Emily: Why would he care about me?

Jessica: He still loves you and wants to raise Anna.

Joey: No she is mine!

Jessica: You try telling him that. We might know where he is it is just a guess.

Emily: It doesn’t matter lets go!

We break into a car it had a spear key in the glove compartment. We start to drive with Tyler taking over the wheel.

Joey: How did you get out?

Jessica: The jail is wrecked.

Joey: Well if you help us we will make sure you get out of there for good.

Emily: Best lawyers around the fact that you helped us is good enough.

Tyler: We hurt you both too much.

Lisa: Me especially Emily I am so sorry.

Emily: Lisa…

Lisa: No no don’t defend me. I should have not done it. It is my fault. I don’t expect you to ever forgive me nor will I forgive myself.

Emily: Lisa if you save this baby it doesn’t matter about the other one.

She nods. We arrive at an old gross building. So unhealthy for a little baby. We walk in and it was dark. Joey uses his phone for a flash light. All of a sudden a man jumps from a corner and stabs Tyler. I punch him and kick him right to the ground. I hit him right in the throat. His pulse was gone soon after. I look over and they all surround Tyler.  I run over and he is slowly dieing. He looks down at the blood.

Tyler: Not my favorite shirt!

We laugh.

Emily: Tyler it is going to be okay.

Tyler: No Em it is not. In a few min min minutes I will be like the guy you just like attacked dead.

I hold his hand.

Emily: Thank you for the help.

Joey: Really thank you.

Tyler: Sorry for the damage.

Tyler: One more thing you must do for me.

Emily: Anything!

Tyler: When all five of you make it out I want you to tell Troye I love him and how I always have and will.

Emily: Of course!

His eyes close and his hands go cold. I check his pulse and it is gone.

Jessica: Guys we need to get going.

Joey: You are right.

We wipe our eyes and we keep on walking down this long hallway.

Authors Note:

Wow I have not made one of these in so long! So I have some bad news about the contest no one won. That is a mouth full anyway, I have a new way to win. As you all know I have a new book Youtuber Imagines! I need a cover for it so who ever makes the best cover wins the character! You can send me it via Twitter @emilyeep23 or Instagram ready for the orgianal name? @emem18th so orginal! Also big news the person who plays Flynn is an actual Flynn and I are co-writing a book together that yes does involve many Youtubers and maybe some Youtube hottie crushes. Join our journey! Book is up now!

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