Not Over?

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Joeys POV:

Emily and I clean up all the piececs of broken glass on the floor. Our stove it broke and we still didn't eat dinner. Are dinner was cold and gross now. I offere to go to Whole Foods to pick up some chicken and she nodded. I still wonder how she forgave me or even if she is telling the truth. I don't know how we are right now. She isn't the happy jumpy Emily I know and love. She is just quiet and shy. Like we are strangers to one another. I have to give her some time right? I mean I don't want to make this worse by jumping to more conclusions. I mean thats how I got here in the first place am I right? 

I get in my car and drive to Whole Foods. Not a lot of people where here. I wasn't suprised at all. I mean we did just have an earth quake after all. I didn't want to leave but Emily needs some breathing room. I walk in and grab a basket. I go to look at the chicken. I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look over and I see Kat.

Kat: Joey why didn't you tell me you where married?

Joey: I jumped to conclusions I thought we were over Emily and I. I am sorry for hurting you.

Kat: I can see that you are upset. She knows and hasn't really excepted it yet. 

Joey: Ya she really hasn't.

Kat: Well you know where I live and you have my number if Emily just goes and ignores you just come over. I am fine with it. The way she is treating you right now doesn't seem right. I mean you deserve better.

Joey: No, she deserves better.

I grab the chicken and pay. I walk out and drive home in the rain. She Will Be Loved by Maroon % was playing. It reminded me of Emily and I. I started singing along.

I don't mind spending every day. Out on the corner in the pooring rain. Look for the girl with the broken heart. Ask her if she wants to stay for awhile. 'Cause she will be loved. Yes she will be loved.

The song finishs and so does my car ride. I walk in and I see Emily on the couch staring at the floor. I brng dinner to the table and shs sits at her side. We start to eat and it was just slient. I mean you could hear a pin drop. She wouldn't even look at me.

Joey: Are you alright?

Emily: I am fine.

Joey: You don't seem it.

Emily: Well excuse me but my husband that I loved and trusted just cheated on me. I can't get myself together to leave because I am so in love with him. I am sorry that I just can't handle what you have done to me.

Joey: I thought you said you forgave me.

Emily: I just needtime to heal.

Joey: You made me thought that you hated me that you left and cheated on me.

Emily: I "made" you think that I cheated but you did cheat on me.

Joey: I am sorry I am not perfect. I am sorry that I don't fit in this world of yours.

Emily: A there is a difference between perfect and common sense which it seems you lack. B my life is anything but perfect.

Joey: I know such a sad story isn't it? Father dies at 11 from a car crash and Mom goes insane. Then she has a horrible boyfriends who she should have never been with. Then she runs away from her problems and finds a guy. Makes him feel bad about everything. Marries him and then tries to sell the sad story.

Emily: You don't even know my story I would shut it.

Joey: What else is there to know Emily?

Emily: Everything I knew was a lie. Starting with my father's death. 

Joey: Oh my god. I know Sam told me. I know the whole story. Stop playing those card Emily. You and I both know thats all you got. 

She stands up and throws her napkin on the table.

Emily: I hate you!

With those words that were like knives to my heart and yes that is going to leave scar she runs out of the apartment. I put my head into my hands. What did I just do?

Emilys POV:

I run out. I just run down the street in the cold rain. I didn't know where I was going but I didn't care. I crash into something hard and soild. It catchs me as I fall back.

Boy: So sorry.

He says with his cute little English accent. I look up and there was this hot man infront of me. He had brown hair and eletric blue eyes. His teeth were amazing.

Emily: Its fine I should have been looking up.

Man: I am James.

Emily: I am Emily.

James: Are you alright?

Emily: Well ya actually no but it is fine really.

He grabs my arm.

James: Listen my house is just down the road. Why don't you come in and talk about it.

Emily: Your girlfriend wouldn't like that.

James: That would require me to have one my love.

Emily: Oh sassy. Alright.

We walk to his house. It was huge and amazing. Man he must be rich. We walk in and he takes me to the living room. We sit on the couch and he turns on the fire place.

James: So tell me Emily. What is troubling your such amazing self?

Emily: Well my husband cheated on me. Thinks I would just forgive him like that. Then he freaks out at me about how my life wasn't that hard after everything I have been through and I should just get over it all.

James: Well he was wrong. You should be able to vent whenever you need to. Listen since you should aviod this idiot who can't see your amazing prettyness. Why don't you stay here?

Emily: Oh I don...

He cuts me off and kisses me. 

Emily: Ya, okay I am fine with that,

James: Good.

Emily: Well I am very tried so I was wondering where is you guest bedroom?

James: Well I was wondering since it was so cold you want to cuddle with me I mean you are so upset. I don't want to leave you alone.

Emily: I could go for that.

We go upstairs and I lay my head on his chest. Like I did with Joey. He is the past and this is now. I slowly drift asleep.


Authors Note:

I haven't not made on of these in awhile! I just wanted to say thank you for reading. I am so happy you are liking the book so far! I really can't thank you enough for all the love I have been getting. I mean you guys send me how much you love the book and it makes my day. Like I get so excited! I love reading your stories as well so thats awesome! I need some more people to follow so message me and tell me to follow you! Thank you again so much!

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