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Emilys POV:

I wake up and look around me. I am in a huge master bedroom with a huge bed. The sheets are fluffy like cotton. The huge windows let the morning sun light in. I look at my phone and it was 2018. My phone was really weird. I am not liking this future stuff. I sit up and look around more. All of a sudden the door opens and out comes a 4 year old little girl.

Girl: Mommy mommy your up!

I smile and huge her as she jumps on the bed. She was in her pjs and she had blonde curly hair.

Emily: Hey where is your daddy.

I look up and it is James.

James: Morning love.

Emily: James I am really confused.

James: Alright Macy why don't you go get ready for school.

She runs off and James sits on the bed.

James: So you just like lost all your memory?

Emily: No just run my through my day.

James: Well you help Macy get on the bus then you go to work. You then come home. I cook you an amazing dinner and then you watch some tv with us or we play a game. Then you tuck her in you watch some tv with me and we go to bed. 

Emily: Alright and what do I do for work?

James: You are writer for People magazine.

Emily: Oh ya, now I remember.

James: There you go!

Emily: Um but I don't remember what happened to Joey?

James: Joey died in a car crash some texter hit him.

Emily: Oh my god.

I was shell shocked I didn't know how to feel anymore.\

James: I will leave you to change.

Emily: Okay.

I get dressed and I walk downstairs and I help Macy get on the bus. I wave goodbye and then I get in my car. Now where do I drive is the question? I turn on the car.

Car: Welcome Emily, Would you go to work.

Emily: Yes?

Car: Work mode on.

The car drives itself that is scary. I get to the office space I walk in and walk to my office. There were pictures of Macy and I and my wedding day. My second one. I still couldn't wrap my head around that Joey died. This is my dream job though. I get a text and Sawyer wants to meet up for lunch.I ask if I can go and they look at me weird.

Woman; You the boss leave when you want.

I smile and walk out. I walk down to the place. I walk in and a Sawyer is sitting at a table he doesn't look like he aged a bit.

Sawyer: Hey Em!

Emily: Hey hows Flynn?

Sawyer: Hahah so funny.

Emily: Waht are you two not together anymore?

Sawyer: No she rejected me when I asked her to marry me. She said that since you Joey weren't together she didn't believe in love.

Emily: Oh I am sorry.

Sawyer: Well it happens.

Emily: Are you with anybody then?

Sawyer: Have you met me?

Emily: Okay cal down I am so thrown off.

Sawyer: Okay then well I need to go.

Emily: Why?

Sawyer: They need me back on set.

Emily: Okay bye Mr.sucessful.

I leave and go to the cemetary. Maybe I can find Joey. I look around a little bit. I found it. I run over and bend down on one knee. 

Here Lies Joey Michael Graceffa.

Man I know he didn't like his name but he didn't even want it on his grave? I touch it and I feel a tear drop down my face. I huge the stone and cry. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I turn around and not a soul was there. I keep hugging the stone and I feel some one rub my back. I turn around and it is James.

James: I know love it was hard for you. You have me and Macy now.

Emily: I know I know it seems all so sudden.

James: I know love trust me I will always be there. Lets go home.

I nod and he helps me up. We drive home and get Macy off the bus.

Macy: Mommy are you alright?

Emily: Yes I am fine sweetie.

James makes amazing chicken and rice. After we watch Max and Ruby. I loved this show growing up. I tuck her in and kiss her forehead. James and I return in the living room and he cuddles with me and we watch the news. 

Reporter: The Joey Graceffa case has been re-opened today. It seems that he meant to kill himself. We asked close friends and it seems that he had a problem in his lie at that point in time. He had a love that he lost to another man.

Right then and there James shut the tv off.

James: I am sure it is all a misunderstanding.

Emily: Ya.

James and I go to bed. I lay on my side. All alone.

I have the life I have dreamed of. A wondeful kid. My dream job and an amazing house. The one problem was..

It wasn't with the right guy.

Green Eyes (Sequel to Blue Eyes)Where stories live. Discover now