Want You Back

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Joeys POV:

I hope Emily is alright. I haven't heard from her in a couple days ever since she ran out. I want to call Kat and talk to her about it but I just don't feel right doing it. All of a sudden my tumblr is blowing up. I grab my phone and fine a blog or Emily's. She told our whole story and all of a sudden I hear a knock at the door praying that it was Emily. I run and open the door and find a man in a suit.

Man: Hello are you Joey Graceffa?

Joey: Yes I am how may I help you?

Man: I have some papers for you from a Miss.Lace.

Joey: Oh okay? Thank you.

I take the papers and close the door. I look at the papers and read them. These are divorce papers. Seh wants a divorce? No I refuse. She will divorce me over my dead body. I take the papers and throw them in the trash. I see that Emil has finally posted a video. It was titled "New Life". I click the video and sit and watch it. It was short but I need to see where her head is at.

Emily: Hey there my friends so um a lot of things have been going on these past few days and if you want the full blown out story its on my Tumblr. So bottom line is um Joey and I are not in a good place right now. If you could tell I changed my Youtube name back to Lace and you may notice I am in a different house. It seems that Joey and I are going to be getting a divorce. Now to all the Joey fans hear me out um Joey did something that I would have never ever thought he would do. Actually I will tell you since he did this to himself. Joey cheated on me well I was in New York. I did lie about what I was doing up there for a certain reason that is also in the Tumblr post. I am heart broken but I need to move on. So to the good news. Like I said you may notice that I am in this amazng huge house and that is because I have moved here with somebody special.

Man: Hello!

Emily: This is James my boyfriend. I moved in with him and I really am enjoying his company.

James: You are wonderful to have around love. 

Emily: So this is my new life.

James: I am really liking this whole vlogging thing.

Emily: you wanna try it.

James: People will think I have gone insane.

Emily: Are you saying I am insane?

James: A little bit but I like insane. You wear it nicely.

Emily: I just work it.

James: Haha I guess so.

Emily: Alright well I have to get going! Stay Sweet mi amigas!

The video ends and I just sit there like a statue. I blink and tears slowly drip down my face. She has a boyfriend? One with an accent at that. I have to try to win her back. I can't let her slip away. This could be her dream guy thats what I am afriad of. I get a text from Connor and they aree throwing a place at his new house with Nicole. Maybe Emily will be there. It was in an hour and I do my hair and get dressed. I have button up on and skinny jeans. I hope to win Emily back that is the goal tonight. 

Emilys POV:

James and I get ready for the party. I wear a nice sliming dress and he wears a black button up with nice dark jeans. I grab my phone and we head to Nicole's house. We get in James nice sports car with the top down. The wind blows in my hair and I love it to death. We arrive and the house is booming. We walk in and they all greet us with smiles. I look to the corner of my eye and I see spiked hair. Is that Joey? What is he doing here? I go and find Nicole. I leave James to socialize.

Nicole: Hey James is so cute!

Emily: I know right anyway I wanna see your office!

Nicole: Um well I have to go set up food but it is upstairs to the left first room on the right.

Emily: Awesome I will go check it out.

I go upstairs and look down at all the people. I walk into the office and I amazed by how spaceious it is. She has a little writing corner and everything. I look at the view out the window. All of a sudden I hear the door close. I turn around an dI see Joey.

Emily: Joey what are you doing here?

Joey: I can't do this anymore. Emily I need you all back

Emily: Joey its to late.

Joey: It is never to late not for us. You said you would never leave.

Emily: Thats before you attacked my past.

Joey: I am sorry I was frustrated.

Emily: Joey you always have an excuse.

Joey: Your right I am sorry. I lack common sense. Your right I think about myself but you yourself always say. We will shatter crash and burn but we will always pick one another up because that is who we are.

Emily: Joey we are shattered we are ashes you can't build us back up.

Joey: You aren't even trying!

Joeys POV:

Joey: You aren't even trying!

Emily: I have tried. I have tried to forgive you for all your mistakes and I know you have forgave me for all of mine. I try to look at the bright side but I can't anymore. I worry now whenever you are not around me. Is he with another girl? Thats all that runs through my head.

Joey: Oh but James is better?

Emily: I don't have to watch James like a child. He is sweet kind and is always there for me. He puts me first.

Joey: I put you first I did that. I covered ou in an earth quake to protect you.

Emily: Joey you don't understand.

Joey: We have been through thick and thin and you want to throw that away?

Joey: We lost a baby together!

Right as I said that th door opened and James was in the door frame. Emily's eyes were watered and sad. She ran towards me was she going to hug me? Then she passed me and ran to James.

James: You just have to ruin her don't you?

Joey: Emily I..

James: Lets go Em.

Joey: Wait!

James: Step down Joey this isn't the love of your life anymore. She is mine.

Its offical I lost her for good. That doesn't mean I won't stop trying though.

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