Good As Gone

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Joeys POV:

I wake up on the couch all alone. I look around not a scratch on me. It is now eight at night and I am sure Emily is good as gone by now. I just don't know what tot do she really wanted to leave. she didn't want to be with me. I call Kat in hopes of being able to talk to her.

Emilys POV:

We landed in Florida it was nice to see a change of climate just kidding still hot here. We rent a hotel room and we are getting a house tomorrow. We already worked it out. It is the perfect place to raise a baby. I lay in bed and slowly drift to sleep.

Joeys POV:

I hear a knock it must be Kat. I open the door and I am greeted by her eletric blue eyes. Not amazing like Emily's but close she reminded me of Emily. I don't lnow why but she did.

Kat: Break your heart?

Joey: Kat please.

Kat: Joey I can tell. I can always tell. I am always the back up plan aren't I?

Joey: Kat you said I could talk to you if I needed to.

Kat: Thats all I am?

Joey: No I..

She cut me off by kissing me. I kissed her back. I pulled away from her.

Joey: Wanna come in and watch a movie.

Kat: I never thought you would ask.

Emilys POV:

I wake up and everything is packed.

Emily: How did I not wake up we are in the same room. You guys are quiet movers.

Flynn: Guess so.

Sawyer: Yep we are good.

Emily: Ready to move today?

Sawyer: Oh no you aren't moving anything you go to the beach a relax. Flynn and I got this.

Emily: Are you sure?

Flynn: Yep!

Emily: Alright I will be at the beach.

Sawyer: Awesome.

I grab my bag and head to the rental car. My car is going to be sent down here soon. I drive to Coco beach it is so nice here. I wore a one piece black bathing suit with a black sunhat and sunglasses. I lay down my towel on the warm sand and lay down in the sun. I listen to the crashing waves in the shore.

I feel a small dog like my face. I laugh and sit up. I look up and a very handsome man claims the dog.

Guy: So sorry didn't mean to disturbe you.

Emily: Its fine really not a big deal he is really cute.

Guy: Thanks this is Cody.

Emily: And you are.

Guy: I am Zack.

Emily: Like Zack and Cody. I loved that shoe.

Zack: Didn't notice that but thanks for pointing that out.

Emily: Come sit.

Zack sits next to me. He had brown eyes and dark brown hair.

Zack: So brings you here.

Emily: Long story.

Zack: Well I have all day wanna go get something to eat?

Emily: Sure!

We get up and go get a slice of pizza. We sit outside in the little chairs.

Zack: So tell me the story I mean a pretty girl like you..

Emily: I am going tot stop you right there. I am not the best love interest. I have hurt a lot of people. I don't want to hurt you either.

Zack: Well then tell me the story.

I explain everything to him. He listened to it all. I don't get how he is still sitting here I am amazed by this.

Emily: So still wanna hit on me?

Zack: Yes. I like crazy.

Emily: Oh then I am perfect.

We laugh.

Emily: Listen I know you don't want to be in this baby drama.

Zack: Emily I don't really care. Its you rpast so leave it there. I like you and I don't think I am going to stop.

Emily: Oh well thats interesting.

Zack: Well take it or leave it. I want to be with you, It sounds like a lt of people do. So what do you say.

Emily: I would love to give it a shot. Us a shot. It sounds awesome. 

Zack: Great a new beginning. For and me.

Emily: What have you gone through.

Zack: Lots bottom line I lost my wife two years ago and that is when I got Cody.

Emily: Oh I am sorry.

Zack: Its fine I have you know.

Nicoles POV:

I lock myself in a hotel. I don't want to see Conor. I can't marry him I just can't my father would never approve they were mad when I moved to L.A. I can't do keep hurting my parents. I feel like they may never talk to me again so that makes me very nervous. I don't want to lose Conor either. Who should I choose?

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