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Emilys POV:

I get to go home today. I miss my baby. I haven't got to see her so this week. I go home and rush to her. She was so cute sleeping in her little craddle. I wanted to melt. I left her to sleep and I walked into the living room. Eric was sitting on the couch. He stood up and walked over to me. Joey walks in. 

Joey: Wanna watch a movie?

Emily: Give me like ten minutes?

I gave a little smile.

Eric: I told you.

Emily: What do you want?

Eric: To save you.

Emily: From what?

Eric: Yourself Emily. Yourself.

Emily: Wait What??

With that he slowly faded out. What is going on?

Sams POV:

I go home after this long week. This is to much for me. I go home and my window was smashed. What even is this? I look around and I see a brick on the ground of my living room. I grab my umbrella. 

Sam: Is some where here? I will beat you! I have a gun.

X: A gun you say?

Sam: Trevor? Trevor from O2L?

Trevor: Look who caught on?

Sam: What do you want?

Trevor: No I control you now.

Sam: Excuse me little boy?

Trevor: I don't think you want anything to happen to this person.

He shows me a picture of my sister.

Sam: How did you get that?

Trevor: Oh along with your Mom's facebook page. Cute little baby right?

Sam: Just leave her alone.

Trevor: I will but you are like my maid.

Sam: You want me to clean your room?

Trevor: Be my girlfriend.

Sam: Your 16.

Trevor: Just do it or else.

Sam: Fine fine.

Trevor: Good.

Sawyers POV:

Sawyer: When are we gonna wedding plan?

Flynn: When things calm down.

Sawyer: Face it Flynn thats never gonna happen.

Flynn: Are you saying there is never going to be a good time to get married?

Sawyer: No, its just we can't spend our lives in fear.

Flynn: Well then we won't lets start tomorrow.

Sawyer: Sounds good to me.

Emilys POV:

Joey and I finish the movie. I hear Anna cry to I go and get her. I walk into her room and pick her up. There stands Eric in the corner. I hold Anna tight to me.

Emily: What do you want from me?

Eric: For once I am trying to be nice and save you here Emily.

Emily: Oh really? How so? I don't see it.

Eric: Emily you are in danger. 

Emily: Why would you help me even if you were telling the truth.

Eric: Thats not the point. 

Emily: Then tell me what I need to watch for! Is it Anna? Joey?

Eric: I wouldn't be helping if it was Joey.

Emily: Then who?

Eric: This is about you. You need to be aware.

Emily: About what?

Eric: I can't tell you Em. Just look deep in your past and you will find your answer.

He fades away.

Emily: Anna tell me what I need to do?

Anna: She was already asleep.

I set her back down. I don't know what to do where in my past would I find my answers? I walk downstairs.

Joey: Whats up?

Emily: I think I am going crazy?

Joey: How so?

Emily: I am seeing Eric. We talk to one another.

Joey: Your not rested well. You have been up every night don't worry about it.

Emily: Ya, sure.

I knew this was more then a dream there was something he was trying to tell me. Joey and I ate dinner. We were very tired so we go to bed. I drift asleep in his arms.


I am in my old kitchen and my Mom and Dad are talking well whispering. My Dad kneels down to me.

Dad: Em, grandpa died yesterday he is in a better place.

I cry and run into his arms. Next flash back was I was watching tv in the living room. My Mom was reading the penny saver. We hear the phone call. My Mom answers and he face drops.

Mom: NOOO!!

She throws the phone.

Mom: He is dead! He is dead!

Emily: Who?

Mom: Your father!

I couldn't breathe nor think. I flash to the service. Then the playground with Eric. Then when Eric aked me to prom. Then we moved in together. When he asked to marry me. Then when I left it all flashed right before my eyes. My Dad's image kept popping up.

I spring up when I wake up. I am cover in tears. Joey was still asleep. I know Eric meant. I know what he is saying. 

Its back.

Green Eyes (Sequel to Blue Eyes)Where stories live. Discover now