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Emilys POV:

Sawyer: Emily your my bestfriend.

Emily: I know.

Sawyer: Emily I have major feelings for this girl and I can't get over them.

Emily: Then just tell her how you feel about her. I am sure she will fall into your arms.

Sawyer: I don't think that is going to be the case.

Emily: Oh why not?

Sawyer: This girl I love who I want to be with is with someone else.

Emily: Oh thats problematic.

Sawyer: I have also lyed to her about something major.

Emily: Sawyer just tell me who it is.

Sawyer: I can't you know her.

Emily: I won't tell her.

Sawyer: Yes you will.

Emily: Why would I?

Sawyer: Because it is you. I love you inmore then a sibling way.

Emily: Sawyer your my brother.

Sawyer: That was the lie. I was trying to get closer to you in Florida. You Mom agreed to it.

Emily: Why did she do that?

Sawyer: She does not like Joey.

Emily: Now we have a huge problem.

Sawyer: What is it.

Emily: I love you back.

I pull him for a kiss. 

Joeys POV:

I rush the hospital hoping not to be to late. That would be the worse thing at this point. Emily is just not at a good point yet. She can't lose a friend. I rush into the ER and sign in. It seems like hours but I think it was only minutes before they let me in to see him. Lauren was visiting her parents in NYC. I run in and he was on his laptop. Is this a sick joke?

Joey: Shane?

Shane: Joeybo!

Joey: Are you alright?

Shane: Thats what I call you right?

Joey: No, why?

Shane: Your my boyfriend silly!

Joey: What?

Shane: Ya, they told me I was Youtuber so I searched my name and a shoey video came up. Jo your my boyfriend.

Joey: No Shane thats all fake. You have a girlfriend.

Shane: Well we aren't married you aren't married.

Joey: You may not be but I am.

Shane: Really? To who you liar.

Joey: Emily Lace.

Shane: She was in that spoof and with Eric. Maybe your mem. is messed up.

Joey: No no thats not what happened. She left Eric moved her and we are together.

Shane: Well what ever you have can be erased right?

Joey: That would be horrible for Anna.

Shane: I thought Emily was your wife. Not Anna.

Joey: Anna is my 3 week old baby.

Shane: Oh well we can have a baby together. Raise her as our own.

Joey: Shane this is not funny.

Shane: No you habve a whole different life without me.

Joey Shane I was.

Shane: Maybe this will help.

He kissed me and Iwas freaked out. I back away.

Joey: I am going to go now you get better soon.

I walk out creeped out. What is wrong with the world?

Sawyers POV:

Sawyer: What do we do now?

Emily: I don't know I have a husband and a baby with him.

Sawyer: Anna is young.

Emily: Well yes but I don't feel right.

Sawyer: Emily we can't hide this, us anymore.

Emily: I don't want us to but I keep back stabbing my husband.

Sawyer: I couldn't ask you to leave Joey you know that.

Joeys POV:

Anna and I go home I had a friend who was a nurse watch her. I stop and get ice cream at the park to cool down. I sit ext to a girl crying. She lifts her head up and it was Flynn.

Joey: Flynn? Whats wrong?

Flynn: Sawyer he broke up with me he loves someone else.

Joey: He will come around.

Flynn: No, no he won't I can tell.

I am here. I put my hand on her back. She smelled amazing. Like a million frehsh roses. She had a hat like mine with the pink flowers. I kiss her cheek. She smiles. She turns her head and kisses me on the lips. I didn't resist I just couldn't. I don't know why but it wasa just not the moment to do so. What can I say she took away my breath.

Meghans POV:

I surf on tumblr while Luke takes a shower. I find something Whitney posted. Oh on. I hesitate to click it but I do. I read the whole thing top to bottom. My jaw was on the table. What even is this? I knew about Kristina but this one is new. I kept blinking hoping it would go away. I started to deep heavy. I felt an arm on my shoulder.

Luke: Whats wrong?

He looked at the screen.

Meghan: Please tell me this a lie.

Luke: No it is true. But I learned and I feel horrible.

Meghan: Luke this bad.

Luke: I am getting a lot of hate for it Meghan I know.

Meghan: Luke this could change things.

Luke: It could but lets not let that happen.

Meghan: You need to talk to those girls.

Luke: I know I will. We need to clean the air.

Green Eyes (Sequel to Blue Eyes)Where stories live. Discover now