Broken ---

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Emilys POV:

Joey shuts the door and I can’t believe my eyes. I stare at the tile under my feet. I question what he is about to say next. He grabs my chin and lifts my head up. He lightly presses his lips against mine.

Joey: Don’t worry about it. He won’t lay a hand on you I promise.

Emily: It is not me that I am worried about.

Joey: He won’t get a hold of Anna either.

Emily: He doesn’t want us he wants you.

Joey: He can’t have me.

Emily: Joey he doesn’t care what you think nothing will stop him to get to you nothing. He will wreck every wall in his way to your heart.

Joey: He can’t steal something that is already stolen.

Emily: He is after blood and I am done risking lives for other people. I am done with worrying about my baby at night and you as well. I can’t sleep Joey.

Joey: Why haven’t you told me this?

Emily: Joey the fears I live in are hard to express.

Joey: How am I supposed to help? I can’t do anything unless you tell me whats going on.

Emily: Joey I don’t want your help. I want to be safe from danger which these past years have proven that this is not happening.

Joey: You bring as much danger as I do.

Emily: Correct but you know Joey the difference between you and I is I try to avoid it. You on the other hand crave it.

Joey: crave it?

Emily: Nobody asked you to go to Shane’s house okay Joey. If you didn’t go over and set him off I wouldn’t have a bruise on my face.

Joey: Yes you are right I should let him believe there is a chance between us.

Emily: Then why go for more views? If so why would you risk your family like that.

Joey: Stop making me the bad guy.

Emily: Then stop becoming one!

Joey: Just shut up Emily.

My face drops and I look to the side. I avoid the tears that want to come out. I grab Anna and put her in the car. I come in the house and grab the keys.

Joey: Where you gonna go now?

Emily: Anywhere but here Joey or should I say Eric.

I slam the door and Joey runs after me. He gets in the car.

Joey: Don’t you dare.

Emily: What am I daring?

Joey: I am not Eric you and I both know that. You wanna be made fine. You wanna drive away fine get some fresh air but you will not drag my child into it.

Emily: Maybe she is not yours.

Joey: Maybe I am not yours.

My draw drops and he gets out and gets her out of the back.

Joey: Now you can go and throw your fit.

I floor the gas and run over his toe! I didn’t mean to. He screams in pain. I stop and stare at him. I take a deep breath. He stares at me. Our eyes lock and I smile and start laughing as tears run down my face.

Joey: Why are we o stupid?

Emily: Us I just ran your toe over.

We both are laughing even though Joey really needs to get that checked out.

Joey: Alright then.

He puts Anna in the back and shuts the door. He gets in the front and closes the door.

Joey: Hospital?

Emily: Ya…

Well at least the nurses and doctors will get a kick out of our little fight. I mean really how many people can say they ran over there husband’s toe? I amazed how he did not drop Anna.  I look at him.

Emily: How ya doing?

Joey: My toe hurts almost like someone ran over it.

I smile and hit his arm what a goof.

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