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Emilys POV:

I smile at Sawyer and my phone starts ringing. I see it is Meghan I pick up and answer.

Meghan: Emily Joey was in a car accident he is in a coma we don't know how long he has!

Emily: Meghan I can't see him right now. I have hurt him to much.

Meghan: Emily he is not going to make it.

Emily: Meghan I can't be there sorry.

I hang up and Sawyer got a text. He looked up at me.

Sawyer: Emily you need to go see him.

Emily: I ran away I am not running back.

I go upstairs and lay in bed. I slowly drift asleep.

Meghans POV:

I hang up with Emily. We really don't know how long Joey has. I don't know what to do now. I have to think what would he want?

Sawyers POV:

I pace around the bedroom well Flynn sits on the bed.

Sawyer: We have to get her down there.

Flynn: She doesn't want to go Sawyer.

Sawyer: FLynn she does not know what she wants this is all wrong.

Flynn: How is it wrong?

Sawyer: They are supposed to be together the should always be hand in hand.

Flynn: You offered to move her down here.

Sawyer: I thought it would open up her eyes Flynn thats all I planned to do.

Flynn: Well it didn't work now what?

Sawyer: Can you talk to her?

Fylnn: I can try at some point.

Sawyer: Soon Flynn soon.

Emilys POV:

I hear the door bell ring and I run downstairs and I find Zack holding flowers.

Zack: Up for breakfast?

Emily: Ya I guess os let me change.

I smile and run back upstairs I put on shorts and a cute top. I put my hair up and run back downstairs. We get in his car a drive to the diner.

Zack: So what are you getting?

Emily: Waffles and eggs. You?

Zack: French toast and a muffin.

Emily: Awesome!

Zack: Right! So what do you want to do today?

Emily: I don't know whatever you want to do.

Zack: Wanna scuba dive.

Emily: Don't you have to plan that out?

Zack: Not if your Dad owns the place.

Emily: Shut up!

Zack: Never he wants to meet my new girlfriend.

Emily: So I am guessing he doesn't know my past.

Zack: No he does but he doesn't judge my Mom who has passed 10 years ago had a simliar back story and she was an angel he wants to meet you and he can judge himself.

Emily: Does he know about the baby?

Zack: Yes, my older sister Carry is my half sister told ya Mom was like you.

Emily: Wow that is so sweet that your Dad is so kind.

Zack: He tries.

Emily: I am glad.

We finish and head to his Dad's place. We arrive and they give us wet suits. I look at Zack I was really nervous to do this.

Zack You will be fine nothing is going to go wrong.

He grabs my hand and he jumps in pulling my along.

We swim in the crisp refreshing water. It was so nice. The fish were so colorful. We swim around for another half an hour.

We finally get out and we are greeted by his Dad. I go up and shake his hand. Zack told me his name was Will.

Will: Hey Emily wow you are a lot prettier in person.

Emily: Oh why thank you.

Will: So how about you two dry up and we can go up the the Shell Grill.

Emily: Do you own that too?

Will: Whole resort.

Emily: Wow thats so awesome.

Will: Thank you! You two go get dry and dress.

We dry up and get dress and we take a golf cart to the Shell Grill. We meet up outside and go in. We get a both and we order our drinks.

Will: So Emily, Zack tells me here that you are married is that right?

Emily: Yes it is.

Will: Will there be plans to divorce?

I look down at my hands a take a deep breath.

Will: Is there a problem?

Emily: Um, I am afriad that Joey won't be signing anything.

Will: Is he resiting?

Emily: He is in a coma. I found out last night. Not looking well it seems. People are begging me to go see him and I really don't want to after all we just weren't a match.

Saying that burned my throat like drinking acid. Why did it feel so wrong? Why does saying I love Joey feel so right?

Zack: Em, it is alright.

Emily: I know I will be fine.

We finish dinner and Zack drives me home. I kiss him good night and I walk into my house. I sit in the couch and I rest my head in my hands and cry. Its to late for us. Tears poor down my face. I couldn't control it anymore. I just let it all go. I was crying so hard my shoulders were shaking. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I look up and there he stood. I touched him and my hand went threw him. He kissed my forehead and I felt his lips. Why couldn't I touch him? He held me tight. I knew this was not the real him but it was close enough for me.

I wanted to hear his voice but he lookk lost for words. I put my hand on his cheek but it feel through. He slowly faded away and I cried even harder. My eyes hurt and my cheeks burned from all the tears.

Sawyer: Hey hey hey its alright.

Emily: Sawyer I can't I can't go back.

Sawyer: I know you don't want to see him like this.

Emily: Its to hard.

Sawyer: He will always love you.

Emily: I will always love him deep down in my heart.

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