Thin Trust

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Warning on of the most powerful chapters I think I have ever wrote! Enjoy!

Emilys POV:

I sit on the couch even though Sawyer left an hour ago. I just can't think anymore nor speak. My mind is a blank canvas that will never be painted on again. I hear the door open and close Joey sits next to me he looks as mind blown and confused as I am.

Joey: What are we doing Em?

Emily: I don't know. I don't want to understand anymore. I fel like I am falling for Sawyer.

Joey: You are?

Emily: I can't help but feel something strange I just can't think.

Joey: Well isn't that love? A strange feeling? Isn't that what everything is? Its like trust. Trust isn't fair. I mean it takes forever to gain but so little to lose. Love is to much for me. 

Emily; Life is too much for me.

Joey: You want me to let you go? 

Emily: Let me go? Joey I swear if this it related to Frozen.

Joey: No, "If you love me let me go".

Emily: Like PATD?

Joey: Yes, Em I can't keep running for you and you can't keep running after me. Its like finding the end to a rainbow there is no end. I love you but I can't keep fighting this constant battle. 

Emily: Joey I don't know what to think.

Joey You never will. You are to sweet and to kind to use the words I don't want to be with you and we aren't anything anymore. Sometimes Em we can't speak what e want to say. So I am giving you an out on this.

Emily: Joey, thank you. We may have one some of our battles but not our war.

Joey: Goodbye Emily.

I get up and hug him. I get in the car and drive to Sawyer's. I pull in the driveway and run in.

Emily: I am lost.

Sawyer: Allow me to be your flash light?

Emily: I am just so done with love and friends and life for that matter its just to much, Plus I can't get ride of the headache which is making this ten times worse.

Sawyers POV:

Sawyer: Wait.

Emily: What?

Sawyer: You have a headache?

Emily: Ya.

Sawyer: How long?

Emily: Couple days now.

Sawyer: We can go through this convo later. Go to the doctors.

Emily: Okay fine.

I get in my car and drive to the hospital. The sun was brighter then I thought. I finally arrive and check in. They soon take me in. I get in a gown and I get a CT skan. I get in the spaceship like machine and I hear beep. I am cleared to get out and they take me to the hospital room. I sit waiting for the results. My doctor comes in with a look of sorrow.

Dr: Emily it seems you have brain cancer. Stage three actually.

Emily: Oh my god.

Dr: Often symptons are headaches, dizzyness, memory loss and the worse one we call it tricker. It tricks the brain into think strange things. Such as um you like evil killers or obe case a girl liked her brother. Sometimes thus often ruins marriges because the who has cancer often thinks that she is ovig somene else. It is like it blinds you. We would like you to stay here for treatment for awhile so you will be spending the night here.

I nodd and text Sawyer. He said he was coming. He shows up with another look of sorrow. He sits on the bed and I smile.

Sawyer: I have some bad news.

Emily: Me too you go first.

Sawyer: Your Mom i in jail.

Emily: Why?

Sawyer: Well remember when I said that she hated Joey so she tired to get you with me. I loved you because she sent me some candy that actually were not candy they made me fll in love with you. I don't how she did it but she did. I am sorry Em, I love Flynn. We what is your bad news?

Emily: I have brain cancer thats why I thought I loved you.

Sawyer: Oh wow are you alright?

Emily: No I let Joey go and know there s no vhance with him again.

Sawyer: I doubt that. I said to come here becaue Jeoy loves you so much and he said you never have headaches and he is jealous thats how I realized something was wrong. 

Emily: Wow, I am at a loss of words. \

Sawyer: I will leave you to think. 

He gets up and kisses my cheek and leaves. I close my eyes this day is insane. I hear a knock and the door shuts. I open my eyes and look over. I smiled and laughed. Thinking it would be Joey this was a ncie surpise. I never thought this would be possible again.

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