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Emilys POV

Ever since that night Joey and I have been going strong in fact a couple years lady we had another baby. Joey begged and begged for another and we finally had one and his name was Jack. Joey and I moved into a huge house that we still live in today. Our grandchildren have enough room to run and be free. I couldn't be any happier. Flynn and Sawyer ended up having a set of twins. The couple recently passed away together happily in their warm bed. I miss them but there legacy still lives on.

I became an official writer for People and I loved so much! I made enough money and I could work from home not missing any of my kids moments and I was always with my husband. Joey became an official actor and starred in many movies. I was so proud of him. Shane got his crap together and got back with Lauren. We are all happy in our lives. So as I look at my husband sleeping tonight I can reflect on my life and truly say that I am happy that I caught him when I can. I have one person to thank and that is my dad in this life. He gave me my Blue Eyes. If it weren't for them I doubt Joey would have ever noticed me. And that my friend is not a life worth living.

Joeys POV:

Emily finish's writing and drifts to sleep she is laying on my chest and her heart beat slows down and stops. I close my eyes knowing I am next. So take me to heaven so I once again can see those.

Blue Eyes

Green Eyes (Sequel to Blue Eyes)Where stories live. Discover now