Such A Cheater

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Joeys POV:

I hang up the phone. She lied. She is cheating. Why would she lie like that? Maybe if I call her she will tell me the truth ya that is a good idea. I dial her number and hear two three four rings. It goes to voicemail. She is ignoring me. She can't really think that I wouldn't know did she? I grab my jacket and head out the door. I need a drink or 6. I go to Cloud 7 and sit at the bar. A girl was sitting staring at her drink next to her. I put my rung in my pocket I look over at her. She looks as sad as I did. 

Joey: Hey I am Joey.

Girl: Kat.

Joey: You look heart broken.

Kat: Ya a guy made me think I had a chance with him when I didn't.

Joey: Oh I am sorry.

Kat: Listen I don't mean to bum you out.

Joey: Its fine. I..

I lean in and kiss her. I pull away and my eyes go wide. What did I just do? I am married. Ya to a girl who is cheating on me.

Kat: Don't be scared. Listen we should go out some time.

Joey: How about tomorrow for lunch?

Kat: Sounds awesome. How about Crunchies?

Joey: Sure!

I gave her my number and she left. I guess Emily has her boyfriend and now I have my girlfriend. Sorta anyway. It is not like we are going to last.

Emilys POV:

The sun was up and Sam and I were ready to go. Sam was posing as a girl who wanted to help hurt me. Little did Mr.Rob know I will be with her and sneak attack him. It is one of the best things we can possibly do. I mean we don't have that many things we can do. Sam and Rob are meeting in an old wear house. We walk over to the wear house and Sam goes in. I go through the back door. Lets pray this works.

Sams POV:

I walk in and go to the certain section Rob told me to meet him in. I walk into the room and I see a little strain of Emily's blonde hair. I smile. 

Rob: Glad to see you Sam. I see we share a hate for Emily.

Sam: Of course.

Rob: So how would you like to help?

Sam: I would like you to not worry.

Rob: Excuse me?

I run towards him and kick him on the ground. He trips me and I fall on to the ground. He holds my wrists to the ground.

Rob: Bad choice little girl.

She pulls out a pocket knife. He opens it and the sharp blade shines in the dim lighting. Where is Emily? I feel the cold blade hit my skin and all of a sudden Emily knocks him on the ground. Emily grabs her gun and aims it at him.

Emily: Stop right there.

Rob: Look who caught on. I have to give you props never thought you would find out. Did the little rats tell you?

He walks closerto her.

Emily: Stop right there!

With one swift movement. Rob kicked Emily's wound. She dropped the gun. I tried to stop him but we were both on the ground. He had us both. He was going to kill us both and there was nothing we could do


Joeys POV:

I walk into Crispies. I see Kat and I go and sit with her. I can't stop thinking about Emily. All I can think about is how out marrige is done and there is no getting it back at this point.

Kat: So whats up?

Joey: Nothing I guess.

We order and eat our meals and talk a little more.

Emilys POV:

I hear a bang. I cover my head and realize it is over. I look over at Sam who is fine and in one piece. So who was shot? We look over and it was Rob. He was on the ground. I look up and I see Eric holding the gun.

Emily: Eric!! How are you alive?

Eric?: I am not Eric I am Mark. Eric's twin.

Emily: Eric has a twin?

Mark: He didn't know either. I found out that I was adopted when I was well when I was born. Rob here gave me up because he only wanted one son. That was Eric I guess. I am a private investgator. 

Sam: Huh, me too/

Mark: Cool! Anyway so I wanted to find out more abou tmy family and the more and more I found I saw how evil they were. I saw that they were after you Emily. I knew that and I had to stop it.

Emily: I can't believe you killed your father for me.

Mark: You are right I killed my father.

He turns the gun to his head.

Mark: I really can't live with myself I killed a person who was breathing who was alive. I got to protect you though. So please just live a happy life.

He pulls shoots the gun and drops on the ground. The SWAT team comes in and they get Sam and I out of there. They take us away from the airport. They ask a couple questions in a closed and guarded space. they clear us and they are going to send us back to L.A. I guess Joey is going to find out now. I don't want to tell him but I have to. Once we get on the plane Sam fianlly speaks to me.

Sam: I texted Joey to a CNN article about what is ahppening and I told him to meet you at the airport. My sister is picking me up. I promise he won't be mad. Just talk it out. That is all you have to do.

Emily: Alright this will be not to hard to come back from. Our marrige can handle it.

Joeys POV:

Kat and I laugh the whole time. I really like her once. Emily and I get divorced I will be with her once I explain my marrige thing. She doesn't know about Emily. My phone goes off and I check it. Sam texted me a link and it said Emily and I are heading back meet us at the airport here is an article. My eyes go wide by the URL that has CNN in it.

Kat: Is everything alright?

I read the whole article. She was just fighting she wasn't cheating. I couldn't breathe.

Kat: Are you okay?

Joey: No I just ruined my marrige and I need to go se my wife now!

Kat: Wait you are married?!!??!?

I storm out and drive to the airport.


Kat is a real chickadeeanya so go check her Wattpad out @KatGraceffa she is so awesome and sweet and she has an amazing fanfic so go check that out!

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