House Guest;

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Now Felicity was drowning. Deep, cold water was burning her lungs.

"Oliver!" She tried to scream, but no sound escaped her. Felicity continued to plunge further into the icy cold water. All of a sudden, she felt strong arms grab her. Instantly, she felt her blood turn to ice.

"Felicity, you're dreaming, wake up." Said a voice softly. As Felicity opened her eyes, she flinched at the sudden light. When her vision cleared, she was staring right at Oliver.

"Hi." She said lamely. Instead of teasing her, Oliver just smiled.

"Hi." He replied and stood up. Felicity noticed she was still in the hospital.

"How long..." She felt tired "will..." She couldn't stay awake "I stay here..." Sadly, she was not able to hear Oliver's response. She was already drifting back into another dream filled sleep.

When Felicity woke up again, a nurse was handing her a plate of food. It contained Mac-n-cheese, a small salad, and some sort of iced tea. As she ate, Diggle walked into the room.

"Alright, Oliver is setting up a place for you at the Queen's house. Hopefully you will be discharged today."

Ok, great. Freedom- wait, OLIVER'S HOUSE?

"Digg, I'm fine at my own place." She protested. The last thing she needed was to be under the same roof as Oliver.

"We insist. Slade will not give up- and you are safer there." Digg finished firmly, and Felicity knew it was a lost cause.

Prepare to emotionally die.

Suddenly, Felicity was no longer hungry. All the things that could possible go wrong- like...

"Felicity?" A nurse walked into the room, "we need to do a final examination, and if you're fine, you are free to go."


As the doctor examined her, Felicity felt herself grow more and more anxious. The thought of living with Oliver sacred her. More than Slade. Which seems really dumb, but it was true.

Diggle was watching her with an unreadable expression as the doctor did various tests. Felicity wondered what he was thinking.

Does he know? No, he would have mentioned it. Or stopped it.

"Alright, everything seems fine Ms. Smoak. You are free to go." The doctor said, concluding his diagnosis.


The doctor went to go get some final paperwork, and Felicity felt like melting into the floor. Why did this bother her so much?

"Because you are in love with him. Shut up brain."

"Felicity?" Diggle asked, arching an eyebrow with an amused look.

"Did I say that out loud?" Felicity squeaked, her face turning bright red.

"Yes, yes you did." Diggle said with a chuckle.

"Please don't say anything to Oliver." She begged; that would be humiliating.

"Don't tell Oliver what?" Asked Oliver, appearing in the door frame.

"Felicity is a little nervous about staying away from home for so long." Diggle lied, shooting Felicity a knowing look.

"I- yes, I mean yea, yes." Felicity stumbled on her words. Diggle rolled his eyes.

"Well, are you ready? I finished your paperwork." Oliver said, dismissing the subject.

Here we go.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Felicity said, taking a deep breath to calm, her nerves.

You Are My Girl (Olicity) - FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now