A kiss, Amanda, and a cure

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Diggle had gone home for the night. Felicity knew that he was still upset about her not listening to him earlier. She didn't know why she had been so reckless. Perhaps it was because she felt the need to be more like Sara. Even though she knew it was stupid to still be jealous of someone that was out of her life, but Felicity couldn't stop the feeling.

"Why is Sara better than me at everything?" She asked suddenly, and Oliver looked up from where he sat on her couch. Felicity instantly felt guilty for bringing up Oliver's ex. She knew how much he was hurting, it was just when Sara was around sometimes she felt so useless. As much as she tried to push back the feeling, it just kept surfacing.

"Felicity, why would you say something like that?" Oliver asked, getting up from where he sat, and coming over to where Felicity stood in the center of the room. Instead of looking sad, or even mad, Oliver looked concerned. "You know how special you are to me right?"

Felicity felt her heart skip a beat. Oliver had just called her special.


Oliver put his hand on her cheek, grazing over her skin; silencing her. "Felicity, you mean the world to me. Sara isn't better than you." He said firmly.

Felicity looked into Oliver's eyes, and felt herself get lost in them. Blue pools of light shone back at her. His sandy hair was slightly messy, framing his handsome face, which she found really attractive. He leaned in closer, until they were almost touching. Felicity's heart was pounding uncontrollably.

"What happened with Sara made me notice how life only stays the same for a short amount of time- and I would never forgive myself if I never get tell you how I feel, "Oliver said softly, "Felicity, you make me feel alive. You always put others first, even when they don't deserve it; you never leave my side. God, Felicity, you're amazing."

Felicity felt like slapping herself as a test to see if she was awake. She had liked Oliver ever since he had walked into her office with a shot up laptop and a lame cover up story. Was it possible that he really did like her too?

Then Oliver kissed her. He really kissed her. Oliver had really soft lips- as Felicity had imagined. He kissed her softly, yet passionately. It felt amazing. As they broke apart Felicity knew that she was blushing.

"Oliver... are you sure that I'm uh the one you should be doing this with?" She asked hesitantly. Not becuase she didn't enjoy the kiss- she loved the kiss. It was everything she could have dreamed of.

"You have always been the one, Felicity." Oliver murmered, pulling her into an embrace.

Felicity's heart was racing. She had always fantisized about Oliver, but never in a million years had she thought he would see her this way.

Just then, Felicity's phone buzzed, ruining the moment. Annyoance rushed through her. Reluctantly, she pulled out of the hug.

"Hello?" She asked, a little harshly. She could feel Oliver's warm gaze on her, and she wanted nothing more than to throw her phone out a window and continue where they had left off.

"It's Diggle," said the voice, "Amanda has found a cure." Felicity knew what he meant. A cure- a reverse to the Mirikuru, the drung that controlled Slade.

"Oliver," Felicity said, breathless with shock, "Amanda Waller has found a cure!"

The look on Oliver's face was one of the best looks he could ever wear. His face lit up with hope. Maybe their troubles could end.

"Meet you in 10." Said Diggle, sounding quite pleased.

Oliver nodded, and the two left Felicity's house in a hurry. Felicity remembered to hide the key in a better pace than under the doormat- this time hiding it under the flowerpot.

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