The Man In The Skull Mask Tells All

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"I have just
received word
that Slade Wilson
has been put behind
bars for the following" :






Mass murder

"The court has
yet to tell the public
how long his
sentence will be-
but there doesn't
seem to be much
hope for Mr. Wilson"

"In other news, Moira
Queen is still ahead of
Sebastian Blood in the
campaign for Mayor of
Starling City"



Felicity let out a sigh. News of Slade Wilson's capture had been all over the news. If the nightmares were not enough, she had a constant reminder of Slade every time she turned on the tv.

Flicking off the tv, Felicity plopped down on her couch hoping to close her tired eyes for a few minutes.

Of course that didn't happen.

The door flew open and in the doors way stood Oliver- well Arrow to be exact.

"Felicity, turn on the tv." He said urgently, marching over to her couch.

She had just turned it off. Groaning, Felicity picked up the remote and tuned into the news channel.

"Starling City,
you may be grateful
for your "Arrow."

Came an eerily deep voice. A man wearing a freaky skull mask was on the screen, sending chills down Felicity's spine. His eldritch mask and voice were enough to give anyone nightmares.

"You see, the Arrow
undertook the hard task
of stopping Slade Wilson-
and surprisingly he was
successful. Let me tell you

The man continued, motioning to a wall behind him.

"You see this
here is Felicity

The skull man put up a picture of her up on the wall. It was certainly not one of her best photos. Next to her, Oliver's body went ridged.

"Ms. Smoak here
is the love interest
and accomplice of
Arrow- and who
does that make Arrow?"

The man paused, looking straight into the camera lens.

"That is not my place to tell.
But my fellow citizens of Starling City,
this is his other love
interest here is Sara-
and he has to choose between them"

The man tuns around a puts yet another picture on the wall- of Sara.

"Now Ms. Smoak
saved Sara's life and
Arrow shot Slade with a
cure to make him once
again weak."

The skull masked man added a picture of Slade onto his wall.

"Now you people
should thank your
vigilante. He saved you.
But can he save you from
the rest of the plan?"

Now the man light the wall on fire, burning away the picture of Felicity, Sara, and Slade.

"Mr. Wilson
was just the beginning.
If your Arrow really
cares he will hand
himself in- to me"

And with that, the news channel resumed, talking about Arrow, the Skull man, and the identity of Arrow.

"Who is he?" Oliver thought aloud.

"I'm not sure, but he seems pretty serious." Felicity replied with a nervous laugh.

Oliver, who was still dressed as Arrow, put a hand of Felicity's shoulder.

"Call Diggle and Roy," He said sounding tired, "we have a battle to fight."



Roy grabbed a pack of sour patch gummies off the shelf. He walked over to the cashier who was staring at him like a stalker. Every since he had even set for in the small convenience store, he had felt her eyes on him.

"Uh, thanks that's all." He said slowly, as if speaking to a child.

"You're dating Thea Queen, right?" The girl suddenly exclaimed. Roy couldn't hide his surprise.




Oh, the phone.

"Roy," it was Felicity.

"Mhm? Roy asked, as he paid for his gummies.

"Check the news ASAP. And meet us at the warehouse- not Verdant." She said in a rush. How could someone talk that fast?

A sense of bitterness washed over Roy. Oliver couldn't push him around like he was nothing and then suddenly need him.

"I'm busy," he replied coldly, "good luck."

"Ro-" Felicity began to protest. Roy hung up.

Shoving the phone back into his pocked, he left the convenience store and headed to the bench where Thea was waiting for him.



Pacing around Felicity's small living room was not helping anything- but neither were her suggestions.

"You could apologize to Roy." Felicity said, shooting him a look.

"Not an option."

"Swallow your pride and apologize we need him." Felicity whisper shouted in a tone of exasperation.

"We don't need him." Oliver replied, suddenly using his Arrow voice.

"The creepy guy said you had to turn yourself in to him!" Felicity half yelled, "You. Need. Roy."

"No," Oliver shook his head, "I need to turn myself in." Oliver watched as Felicity's eyes grew into saucers.

"No," She breathed, "no no no no no."

There was no other option. If Roy would not fight, it would be too risky to resist.

"Felicity everything will be ok." He said slowly, hoping it was true.

"Really? Cuz turning yourself into a mad man in a skull mask doesn't seem to ok." Felicity ranted.

"Hey," Oliver said, switching back to his regular voice, "I'm going to be fine." Felicity stood in the living room looking exhausted. Her blonde hair was a mess, her glasses were lying on the coffee table, and her clothes were wrinkled. A single tear rolled down the side of her face.

"Do what you have to do." She answered, her voice coming out shaky, yet confident.

Oliver nodded and turned to go. As much as he wanted to hug her, he couldn't. This might be goodbye, and Oliver hated goodbyes. Though he was the Arrow, he couldn't say goodbye to the women he loved.

As he carried his bow out the door he swore he heard Felicity's voice.

"I believe in you."

Sorry it's been so long since an update! I couldn't think of any ideas lol. And man this chapter title makes me laugh. It sounds like some clinché magazine article.

I'll update soon ily :)

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