A Talk With Oliver

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"Nope, just me." Oliver said softly, opening the door all the way. Felicity let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. "I came to tell you that it is time for dinner."

Dinner...yes...Felicity felt her legs give out, and Oliver rushed forward, throwing his strong arms around her waist.

"Felicity, are you alright?" Oliver asked, his voice laced with concern.

Was she even ok?


"Oliver, I'm so sorry. I can't come to dinner." She murmured, trying to wiggle out of Oliver's strong grip.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Oliver asked, allowing Felicity to sit down on her bed.

Felicity was holding back tears. There was no way she wanted to cry in front of Oliver. Oliver was interested in tough girls- like Sara. Not that he would ever like Felicity anyways.

"No." She answered sadly. The truth was, she really did want to talk about it. She was afraid. Afraid of what Slade was capable of. Slade could come whenever he pleased, and do whatever he pleased. Felicity had seen with her own eyes Slade throwing Oliver aside as if he was a rag doll. Unfortunately, she had also witnessed Slade single handedly snapping the neck of a security guard.

"Felicity, I am so sorry." Oliver murmured, so softly Felicity could barely hear him. The look on Oliver's face was full of anguish, and Felicity wanted to hug him and tell him it was alright.

"Uh, you can sit." Felicity said awkwardly, upon noticing that Oliver was still standing next to her bed.

Oliver gave her a forced smile. "Alright."

Felicity admired Oliver's features. Honestly, she wished Oliver was ugly. It would be a lot easier to sleep at night.

"Felicity, do I have something on my face?" Oliver asked,his eyes amused.

He had noticed her staring! Oh my god.

"No- just uh, nice features. By that I mean that many sluts must have- I mean- girls must have fallen for you, uh, easily?" Felicity sputtered, embarrassed for brining up Oliver's old playboy habits. She felt her face heat up.

She heard Oliver chuckle and turned to face him again. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that like it sounded."

Even though Oliver looked extremely amused, she couldn't help but feel ashamed.

"Well, thank you for that unique compliment." He said; his eyes twinkling with laughter. Then he looked more serious "Felicity, I wanted you to know that when Slade had you, I would never have let him hurt you. You mean the world to me- and"

"OLLI, MOM SAYS TO COME HAVE SUPPER WITH OR WITH OUT MS. SMOAK." Thea called from outside the door.

Oliver looked pissed. "Alright Speedy, we are coming."


"Felicity, I'm sure you will feel better after you eat..." Oliver stated.


"Would you do me the honor of joining me for dinner Ms. Smoak?"

Say no, thought Felicity.

"It would be my pleasure, Mr. Queen."

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