Don't Shoot The Messanger

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Moira was still staring at her. To be precise, she had been staring at Felicity ever since she had sat down at the table with Oliver.

Felicity felt Oliver's comforting hand on hers for about the fifth time. It was a good way to calm her nerves- especially since his mother was staring at Felicity like she was a nuclear bomb about to detonate in her house.

Thea was keeping the conversation light, talking about school, Roy, and friends. Oliver was pretending to listen, but Felicity knew him better to know that something else was on his mind.

Felicity twirled a bit of pasta on her fork idly, and wondered how much longer it would be until she could leave this awkward dinner. With Thea blabbering about her life, Oliver spaced out, and Moira looking like a bloodhound, Felicity wanted nothing more than to leave. Luckily, Oliver had promised Felicity could go back to her normal schedule tomorrow- well, other than where she slept.

Felicity suddenly noticed Thea had stopped speaking. She could practically hear the crickets.

"So, uh, Mrs. Queen...I've noticed that you pulled ahead of Sebastian Blood in the election; what an accomplishment. Felicity said in a desperate attempt to create conversation.

"Yes, it is. Now if you'll excuse me, I have something that is actually worth my time to attend to." Moira replied evenly, standing up and pushing in her chair. With that, she shot a knowing look at Oliver.

Felicity had expected Oliver to glare, tense up, or perhaps make a quiet remark- but what he did Felicity did not see coming.

Oliver stood up, and stalked over to where Moira stood.

"Oliver, we talk about this later." Moira said coldly.

Oliver looked even more enraged. Grabbing his mothers wrist he murmured something to her that only the two of them could hear. Moira looked like she was going to faint.

Felicity had to do something. Even though she disliked Moira, Oliver was clearly hurting her- she knew Oliver's strength.

"Oliver, what are you doing?" Screeched Thea, who looked even more shocked than Moira Queen.

Felicity was panicking. Oliver was always kind, gentle, loving...except when he was killing people, which was beside the point. The one thing Felicity knew about Oliver was that he loved his family- but here he was hurting them.

"Oliver, stop!" Felicity called. Her voice sounded distant to her own ears. Almost instantly, Oliver released his mother from his tight grasp. Pushing past Oliver, Thea ran to her mothers side.

Felicity quietly gestured to Oliver to follow her out of the dining hall. "Oliver what was that?" She hissed when they were out of earshot.

"She can't treat you like that. You are amazing Felicity, and I can't stand to see you get bullied by my mother." Oliver replied stonily.

Felicity was surprised to find herself angry. "That is no excuse for what you did at dinner. I can't even have a normal dinner with you."

Oliver looked surprised at her outburst. "I'm sorry Felicity," he said in a softer tone, "I know things have been...different lately, but once we stop Slade it will all be ok."

As much as she wanted to believe that, it just didn't seem possible. Slade was so strong, and he knew almost all of Oliver's secrets. Plus he hated Oliver and Sara with a passion.

"Alright, well I should probably get to bed. I have work tomorrow you know." Felicity felt herself smile. It was going to be wonderful getting back to her normal routine again.

"Alright, I have to head down to the lair and train with Diggle. Call if you need anything." Oliver said, and headed out the door leaving Felicity alone with Thea, Moira, and the security guards.

Instead of heading off to bed, Felicity decided to take an evening stroll. The sun was setting, and she could use the fresh air. As she walked outside, she noticed how beautiful the grounds were. There were trees, and fountains, a well kept path, flowers, and grass that was trimmed like a golf course.

She found herself marveling at the landscape as she walked. Fresh spring air brought a nice breeze, making it quite pleasant.

I should do this more often she thought.

"It's getting dark, Ms. Smoak, you wouldn't want anything to happen to you." Called a voice from the darkness. Felicity felt her blood turn to ice, and she couldn't recognize the voice.

"You are a pretty thing, I can see why Mr. Queen likes you so much." The voice said, sounding closer this time. Felicity looked around wildly, where was the person.

"It's interesting, Slade actually wants you alive, Ms. Smoak." The voice came again, this time a man dressed in black stepped out of the shadows.

"Stay back, I'll hurt you." Said Felicity, trying to sound threatening. The attacker just laughed.

"This won't hurt a bit." Said the man, and he took a step closer, holding a syringe. Ever since Felicity was young, she has had a fear of needles.

"What's the point of all this?" Felicity asked, her voice an octave higher than normal.

"Oliver Queen needs a distraction." The man said, and plunged the needle into Felicity's arm.

Sorry for all the drama lol :) the next chapter is almost done, and it is in Oliver's POV

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