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[Chapter 42; Lies]


Oliver pulled the green sweater over his head and looked up at Felicity.

"How do I look?" He asked her.

Felicity's eyes widened. "Dashing... but sort of like a Christmas tree. Those brown pants just don't work." She said with a chuckle.

Oliver groaned. For almost an hour, they had been going through his closet trying to find something for him to wear when he would go down to face his mom.

"What about the cat sweater? It's adorable!" Felicity suggested slyly.

Oliver rolled his eyes. That sweater had belonged to Thea when she was around six.

"At this rate I might as well go down in a sheet." He sighed. Felicity laughed at his misery.

"Man up and wear the Christmas tree outfit. I'm sure they won't judge." Felicity told him in a matter-of-fact tone.

Oliver let his shoulders sag in defeat. "Fine."

Felicity lay an encouraging hand on his shoulder. "Together?"

"Together." Oliver confirmed. Taking Felicity's hand, he stepped out of the room.


Roy smirked. "Do you really think that- Oliver?" His smirk faded and he rolled off Thea from where had been pinning her to the couch.

Thea followed his gaze to see her older brother holding Felicity's hand in the parlor.

"Speedy." Oliver dipped his head in acknowledgement. Thea let her jaw drop. For the past week she had been worried sick about him, and now here he was, wearing a ridiculous outfit.

"You son of a-"

"Language, Speedy." Oliver scolded his sister playfully, leading Felicity into the room behind him.

"Nice to see you back Oliver." Roy greeted. Thea appreciated her boyfriends attempt- she knew that he didn't like her brother.

"I need to call mom- and how did you get here? Are you alright?" Thea was in shock. Oliver gave Thea a story about how he had needed to get away, so he had.

She didn't quite believe him though.

Once Thea's mom arrived however, she took Oliver into a separate room.

Thea decided to apologize to Felicity for her behavior while her mother had a talk with Oliver.

"I'm sorry." She muttered, not quite meeting Felicity's eyes.

"No problem. I know how hard it was to know Oliver was missing and not be able to do anything about him." Felicity said kindly. Thea sighed. Felicity was kind and beautiful- and she made her brother really happy.

When Oliver returned with her mother, Thea couldn't help but notice that he was deathly white. Felicity seemed to notice this too because she was at his side in an instant.

"Felicity." He croaked, barely audible. Thea heard him though, and this alarmed her.

Moira dismissed Thea and Roy from the room. Hesitantly but hastily the exited, leaving behind Oliver, Felicity, and Moira herself.

Thea shot Roy a look.

"I want to know what's happening." She informed him. Roy shook his head.


Thea pressed her ear up to the door as Roy slumped his shoulders I'm defeat.

The room was dead silent. Thea wondered if they had left and went to another room- that's how quiet it was.

"How long have you known?" Oliver's voice rang out in the silence. "How long have you known I am The Arrow?" Oliver repeated his question, but adding in the fact that he was The Arrow.

Thea let her jaw drop. Her brother was a killer. The same brother that had tucked her into bed at night, read her stories, picked her up when she fell... How could he be a vigilante. He had lied to her. It was in this moment when Thea realized she really didn't know who "Oliver Queen" was at all.

Sorry this is a short chapter, I am swamped with homework and have been out of it lately.

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