The Feelings

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Felicity Smoak woke up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world- for the first time in months. As she got ready to check out of the hotel, she made a quick "to do list"

1) jailbreak for Joseph Greene
2) hard drive for Else Simmons
3) ask Mr. Parks about more hours
4) other job (bring iPad cord)

After scribbling down the quick reminders, Felicity quickly checked out and headed to her car. Throwing her purse in the passenger seat, she took off towards Queen Consolidated.

Luckily when she arrived, the talk about her being "Oliver's one night stand" had died down and she was able to resume work as normal. Even while she worked however, her mind drifted to Slade, and how to stop him. Clearly, Slade had every advantage. He was stronger, and he knew everything about Oliver and his family. Also, he knew exactly how Oliver fought, seeing as he was Oliver's mentor. Still, Felicity felt as if she was missing something.

"Ms. Smoke, Mrs. Simmons is asking about her hard drive?" A smooth voice cut in, snapping Felicity out of her thoughts. She fished through her drawers and pulled out the hard drive containing the data she had salvaged.

"Thank you."


When 7pm finally rolled around, Felicity was really eager to tell Oliver am idea she had. While working to debug a computer, she realized that everything had a reverse effect. So what if the Mirakuru that was making Slade so strong had a drug that counteracted it- like an antidote.

Hoping that they could figure something out, Felicity rushed down the stairs- but froze as she heard shouting.

"Olli, you've seemed more concerned about Felicity than you have me lately! And I get that you're friends and all, but I expect you to be here for me too!" Sara cried, sounding exasperated.

Had Oliver been concerned about her? Felicity wondered.

"Sara, everything can't always be about you! I care-"

"Oh so you have feelings for her now, huh?" Sara hissed, her voice dangerously low.

"So what if I do Sara, what then?" Oliver shouted, and ran his hands through his hair. Sara looked shocked- but not as shocked as Felicity felt. Deciding that the antidote idea could wait, Felicity decided to make a run for it. Of course her legs didn't agree with her plan, and she tripped and fell on the stairs, creating a loud THUD followed by an "ouch"

"Speak of the devil." Sara snapped, and angrily, took a step away from Oliver.

"Felicity?" Asked Oliver, his voice quite soft for someone who had just been yelling, "I-"

"Um, hi guys. You two look like you're both pretty hot...and by hot I mean hot tempered not- uh nevermind. Anyways, I had a cool idea but I forgot it so, I have stuff...I'll catch up." Felicity blurted, mentally kicking herself for stuttering. Oliver had just said he liked her. Even if he didn't mean it, this was a pretty big deal! But did he mean it?


Sara was complaining yet again on how Oliver wasn't concerned enough about her family. "I was on the island, Olli, not Felicity!" Sara snapped, "my family is in more danger- I am in more danger!"

"Sara drop it, we can talk about this later. She will be here any minute." Oliver hissed in response. He knew that he had been spending a lot of time worrying about Felicity instead of Sara, but he promised himself he would make it up to her.

Instead of dropping the matter, Sara continued her angry speech. "Olli, you've seemed more concerned about Felicity than you have me lately! And I get that you're friends and all, but I expect you to be here for me too!"

"Sara, everything can't always be about you! I care-" Oliver tried to reply, but was cut off again by Sara.

"Oh so you have feelings for her now, huh?" Sara spat. Oliver froze. He knew in his heart, that he felt something for Felicity. As much as he was trying to deny it to himself, it was becoming evident that he really might have feelings for his quirky assistant.

"So what if I do Sara, what then?" Oliver shouted, running his fingers through his hair. By admitting this, he even surprised himself. All of a sudden, Oliver heard a loud THUD followed by an "ouch"

"Speak of the devil" Sara muttered, pressing her lips together and retreating to the other side of the lair.

How much of that had Felicity heard?

"Felicity." Oliver murmured. Somehow, he was glad that she was here- despite what was going on and what she might have heard.

"Um, hi guys. You two look like you're both pretty hot...and by hot I mean hot tempered not- uh nevermind. Anyways, I had a cool idea but I forgot it so, I have stuff...I'll catch up." Said Felicity, looking flustered. For once, Oliver was at a loss for words.


From both points of views. I should start writing when I'm more awake lol sorry.

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