How To Shoot An Arrow

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[Chapter 30; How To Shoot An Arrow]

"Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love."

― Mother Teresa


"That's it; good job." Oliver encouraged. Felicity shot him a look.

"Ok, so I'm a natural at slapping water- what about, oh you know- actually using a bow? Felicity looked slightly frustrated, but she also looked extremely determined.

"That comes next." Oliver stated. He had once felt Felicity's frustration when Shado had made him slap a bowl of water. However, Shado's unique training had made Oliver the excellent archer he is today- and he would make sure that Felicity would be able to hit he target as well.

"It's been hours Oliver!" Felicity protested, a pained look lighting up her pretty features.

"It's only been 45 minutes." Oliver reasoned, watching in amusement as the blonde slapped the bowl of water harder, causing it to spill over slightly.

"I hack things, I don't hack at things." Felicity groaned, wiping some sweat from her brow.

"Alright, I'll teach you how to hold the bow." Oliver gave in, and Felicity instantly wrapped her arms around him.

"Thank you! If I had to slap that water one more time I'd have to slap you!" She babbled, before pulling away and blushing, "sorry."

Felicity's babbling secretly amused Oliver. It was one of the things that made Felicity Felicity.

"So you have to put your left hand here." Oliver placed Felicity's hand on the draw string.

"Got it." She said plainly, clearly hoping to shoot an arrow.

"Your right hand supports the bow." He further explained, and Felicity took the bow in her hands.

"Obviously, otherwise the bow would float in midair...which is impossible because of gravity- which is actually pretty obvious- however what people fail to notice is-"

"So now pretend you have an arrow. What do you do?" Oliver cut off Felicity's speech about gravity and floating bows. She could be so squirrel sometimes, focusing on details and easily getting distracted.

"Uh, put it on the string and shoot it?" Felicity sounded slightly unsure of her answer.

"Pull back, aim, release," Oliver corrected, "you need to keep your eyes on your target. Letting the arrow fly is the easy part. The hard part comes with hitting the target."

Felicity narrowed her eyes in determination. "Ok, I'm ready."

Oliver passed her one of his many green arrows from his quiver. "Alright, focus on where you want the arrow to land, which in your case is that target..."

"Got it. Target, bow aim." Felicity readjusted the bow, and started at the target. Slowly, she drew the arrow and released. The arrow whirred as it sailed through the air, missing the target by at least 5 feet. "Humph." Felicity exhaled the breath she had been holding.

"You should have seen my first try. That was good Felicity." Oliver shot her a genuine smile, earning him a smile in return.

"I think I'll just stick to computers for now." Felicity said with a laugh.

"You'll improve." Oliver put a hand on her shoulder. If it took him all year, Oliver was going to teach Felicity to hit that target.


Felicity had not expected to miss the target by so much. After slapping a bowl of water for so long, you'd think that she would have been able to shoot closer. In reality, slapping water and shooting an arrow are very different. Shado must have been delusional from the heat. When Felicity had been on the island to being Oliver back, she had felt the scorching heat. Imagine staying there for five years.

Felicity was snapped out of her thoughts by a loud crash coming from upstairs.

Oliver immediately took his bow from her hands, and slung his quiver over his shoulder. He didn't even bother to change into his hood, he simply put his mask on. Hopefully no one would recognize him.

"Stay here." Oliver said in a hushed tone, before rushing up the stairs to the lair.

"Wait. I can access the surveillance cameras. The noise could have just been Thea dropping a bottle of wine or something."

Felicity pointed out, sitting down at her computer.

Just then, the nightclub erupted into screams.

"I don't think that's just a bottle of wine, Felicity." Oliver said gruffly, as he raced up the stairs.

Felicity watched him go with a feeling of unease. He was going in blind. She didn't know who was up there and neither did he. Felicity huffed as her computer loaded slowly.

Finally, an image popped up on the screen. Oliver had most of he people out of the nightclub, and was facing off with a gunman. He seemed to have everything under control.

Felicity breathed a sigh of relief. Oliver shot the man in to shoulder with one of his green arrows. Ouch. Suddenly, Felicity noticed another gunman behind Oliver.

"OLIVER LOOK OUT!" Felicity screamed into her earpiece. A feeling of cold dread crept in when she realized Oliver wasn't wearing his earpiece.

Being The Arrow, Oliver heard the man just in the nick of time. He dogged his bullet and drew his bow, pointing it at the new attacker.

The man shot again, hitting Oliver in the leg. Felicity grimaced.

Oliver's hand never left his bow, and his eyes never left his attacker.

Oliver shot an arrow at his new attacker, while the man he had hit in the shoulder lay on the floor in pain.

"What?" Felicity gasped. Oliver's arrow missed his attacker by a few feet. The man didn't look relieved or surprised. He simply took a step towards Oliver, causing Oliver to take a cautious step back.

Why had The Arrow missed his target? It was ironic, seeing as he had been teaching Felicity how not to miss. And Oliver never missed.

Then Oliver collapsed.

Without thinking twice, Felicity sprinted up the stairs to the lair as fast as her legs could carry her. She threw open the door, revealing an empty nightclub.

There was a pool of blood on the floor from the man Oliver had shot. It was smeared towards the exit, and Felicity assumed the man had been dragged out by his partner.

They had taken Oliver. They could figure out who he was!

Felicity had to call Diggle.

She dialed the number she now knew by heart.


Felicity hung up and sighed. There was only one other person she could call.

Unsure of herself, she dialed the number. He picked up on the first ring.

"Roy? I need your help."

Short chapter sorry :( I've been trying to update all my stories, it's super hard to keep up lol. What do you think happened to Oliver? Hehehehe I had to make a cliffhanger, otherwise this chapter would have been super boring.

Oh my gosh, when I wrote "Roy? I need your help." Auto correct made it say: "Roy? I need your hell." And I just burst out laughing. I don't think Roy's hell will help very much in this situation.

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