The Broke Rich Boy

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[Chapter 28; The Broken Rich Boy]

They say everyone wants to rule the world, but they are wrong. Some just want to save it.
- me (peetaology)


Felicity answered the phone and her face noticably paled.

"Oliver, you have to transfer all of your money into an offshore account-" Felicity began.

"No," Oliver placed his hand over hers, "I can do that later. Right now, I'm here, with you." He said firmly.

Felicity looked troubled. "I'm not going to be the reason that you lose your money."

"You can get the money back later, if needed." He pressed.

"Oliver, you're being ridiculous!" Felicity exclaimed.

"Only for you." Oliver said, falling slightly back into his playboy lines. Felicity burst out laughing.

"Come on Olli." She teased, calling him by the nickname that Sara and Laurel had called him. Oliver inwardly groaned.

"But I'm dressed as the Arrow." He pointed out. He couldn't just walk into a bank and transfer money as Oliver Queen.

"Here you can borrow one of my old boyfriends shirts or something..." Felicity's voice trailed off, "but of course I don't have any pants..."

"Felicity, we can transfer it later- or you could just do it." Oliver encouraged. Of course Felicity could do it.

"I can try, but my stuff is in the lair." Felicity explained.

"No problem." Oliver pulled his hood up, and scooped up (the very shocked) Felicity bridal style.

"What are you doing?" She exclaimed.

"I'm taking you to my motorcycle." He said with a chuckle.

"No way!" Felicity struggled, "this is evil!"

"We have to get there fast, right?" Oliver reasoned.

"I'm going to die! There isn't a seatbelt!" Felicity blurted out.

Oliver slung his leg over the motorcycle and gestured for Felicity to get on. "Come on, you wrap your arms around me." He said calmly.

"I can't do it, not because I don't trust you- because I trust you....I have always trusted you. Even when you came to me with crazy stories and shot up laptops, but that was probably not smart of me. But I mean look where we are now I-"

"Fe-li-ci-ty," Oliver interrupted her babbling, "trust me now."

The blonde bit her lip. "I do." She awkwardly swung her legs over the back of the motorcycle and tightly held on to Oliver for dear life.

"Not I do I do... we aren't married but I trust you. Not that-"

Oliver chuckled and drove, muffling the rest of Felicity's sentence with the wind. She hugged him tightly, and he made sure to drive much slower and more carefully than he usually would.


Oliver- or Arrow- held out his hand and helped Felicity off the motorcycle. Her shaky legs were holding up much better than she had expected.

They quietly entered Verdant, making sure not to be seen. Oliver moved quickly through the darkness, pulling Felicity along. Before she knew it, they were entering the code to the basement. Verdant looked so empty without all of the people. The club would reopen soon- that is if Oliver had his money.

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