Dark Secrets

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Aahhahshdhsheheh 200k reads? *dies*
Ok onto the story- my authors notes are ridiculously boring (I'll admit that)


Felicity grabbed Megan's winter coat, being as quiet as possible in order to not wake Moira. Although Moira seemed to be more friendly towards her, Felicity didn't want to throw all of that away.

"Where are we going?" Megan asked, her blue orbs shining with unshed tears.

Felicity knelt down to her daughters level. "We are going to your Uncle Diggle's house. He is going to watch you for a little while so I can go help your father find Jonas." She spoke softly.

"Who's uncle Diggle?" Megan asked, raising her eyebrows and jutting out her chin.

"He's very nice. And he has a daughter who is only a little older than you." Felicity assured her. With that, she scooped up the frightened girl and brought her to the car.

She turned the heat on full blast, as it was quite chilly outside. Once they were both buckled in, Felicity hit the gas. Even though she was trying to remain calm, she had never been more afraid in her life.

A green arrow in his pillow.

Someone, whoever had her son, knew Oliver's secret. And she would get her son back.

"Here we are." Felicity sang, trying to keep her tone light even though she was panicking. When Diggle opened the door, she ushered Megan inside.

"Felicity Smoak." Diggle smiled, pulling her into a hug, "What are you doing here so late?"

"I'll explain everything later, can you watch Megan?" Felicity asked him, tossing him a pleading smile.

"Of course. She can spend the night here if you need? Sara has a bunk bed and the bottom is free." Diggle offered, earning a grateful smile in response.

"You're a life saver." Felicity dashed out to her car.


Once Mom left me with the man, my nerves increased. My brother was gone and everyone was acting strange. The man was nice. He brought me a hot cocoa and put in a movie about a horse.

But I couldn't focus. Something was wrong and I couldn't calm down.

That's when the front door flew open, revealing a man in a green suit. He was wearing a hood and his face was hidden by a matching mask.

My eyes traveled to his side where a green bow was clutched in his left hand.

He was here for me.

The arrow that had been stuffed into Jonas' pillow matched the ones he had slung over his shoulder.

I screamed as loud as I could, causing him to bring a gloved hand to his lips.

"It's okay, I'm not here to hurt you." He told me, his voice deep and scary.

I didn't believe him. I tried to run from the room, but I tripped over the leg of the couch, landing on my stomach.

Pain flashed up my side but I ignored it, scrambling to my feet.

When I glanced back, the hooded man was looking at me. His eyes were crystal blue, and they radiated concern. There was something familiar about them.

Before I could move, the man returned, holding another cup of cocoa.

"Is everything- Arrow. What's going on, Man?" The nice man asked my attacker.

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