Taking Down a Friend

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Oliver froze just outside the Court House. "Are you sure, Felicity?" There was no way that Sebastian Blood was the man in the skull mask.

"Yes- I mean- I think so?" Felicity sputtered. Oliver clenched his hand into a fist. If Felicity wasn't sure, there was no way that Oliver would accuse Sebastian of anything. He was a friend, and Oliver was not about to suspect his friends of anything.

"I'm going home for the night." He said through clenched teeth. Oliver lowered his bow in defeat, and turned around. Tonight he would be Oliver Queen- not Arrow.


"You missed my campaign again Oliver." Moira said coldly.

"I had something more important to deal with." He answered, keeping his voice down.

"More important than my campaign?" She replied, an edge to her tone. Did she know something?


Before his mother could reply, Oliver marched out of the dining room. Hopefully he could get a word in with Thea before she headed out with Roy. The list of people who hated Oliver was growing, but at least he still had Felicity and Diggle.

"Oliver!" Oliver felt a hand on his shoulder, and he spun around to face the man. Sebastian Blood. What was he doing here?

"Yes Mr. Blood?" Oliver made sure his tone was guarded. If there was even a chance he was the Man In The Skull Mask, Oliver didn't want to give away the fact that he knew- quite yet.

Sebastian leaned in close. "Your pretty blonde is smarter than you might think, Mr, Queen. Next time I would listen to her if I were you."

Oliver felt his blood turn to ice. Felicity had been right about Sebastian Blood- and now he was in Oliver's house.


"Nothing. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go congratulate your mother and I'll be on my way out." Sebastian replied evenly, his voice not revealing anything.

"I'll see you out." Oliver retorted, feeling uneasy.


"He doesn't believe me Diggle." She repeated for what felt like the 100th time.

"He'll come around Felicity," Diggle replied encouragingly, "remember, he considered Sebastian a friend- and he has lost a lot of friends lately." That was true, but why-

The door to the lair flew open. "Felicity, you're right. It's him." Oliver looked as if he had just came from some sort of party or event. However, his hair was a mess and his suit was wrinkled. He had most likely been with some woman or something. Felicity felt annoyed. Right after their kiss too. 

"I know." Felicity said quietly. 

Oliver sighed. "Give us a moment Diggle." He gestured for Diggle to leave. Obediently, Diggle walked up the stairs, and left the new lair. 

"Oliver, just go ahead and take him down." Felcity sighes, not meeting his eyes. 

"I already have." Oliver replied, gesturing towards his ruined suit. So he hadn't slept with someone. 

"Oh." Felicity was unable to hide the suprise in her voice. 

"I'm sorry." Oliver pulled Felicity into a hug. Did he just apologize?

"No, I overreacted." Felicty murmered, feeling guilty. Before she knew what was happening, Oliver was kissing her. He kissed her deeply, as if he needed someone to hold on to. Oliver took a step forwards, causing Felicity to trip. They both fell to the ground- Felicity landing on top of Oliver. 

Felicity expected Oliver to help her up, or maybe just stand up, but he continued to kiss her passionatly. 

"Oh my!" Diggle was back. Felicity felt her face heat up, and Oliver quickly helped her to her feet. 

"We were just-" Oliver started. 

"I dropped my glasses and we were picking them up?" Felicity sputtered. Oliver shot her a look. She was wearing contacts. 


Sorry it's kind of short, I didn't have many ideas...On the bright side tomorrow is my last day


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