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Felicity groaned and threw the covers over her head. Her obnoxious alarm was about to
be thrown out the window. Every bone in her body felt like it was on fire- and not the

painful kind. She had her first kiss with Oliver yesterday.

Felicity quickly threw on her clothes and headed to work. She knew she had a long day

ahead of her at QC before she could discuss the plan with Oliver and Diggle. Felicity

grabbed a quick snack bar before heading out the door.

She threw her purse in the back seat, and stepped into her car. Felicity froze when she

felt cold metal pressed against her temple.

"Ms. Smoak, I must say, you and Oliver look very cute together..." Slade said coldly, his

familiar accent sending a chill down Felicity's spine, "just like Shado and I did. Before

Oliver killed her. Funny how karma works, huh?"

Slade had been waiting in her car. "Please," Felicity chocked out a sob, "Slade stop this."

"It's nothing personal Ms. Smoak- or should I call you Felicity?"

"You can call me nothing you sick son of a-"

"Alright Felicity, here is the plan, "Slade said, sounding bored, "Oliver must choose

between you and Sara. Let me tell you, he will have a hard time with this."

Had Slade kidnapped Sara too? That sick minded man would be the death of her-

literally. Since Sara couldn't even remember Slade, she must be beyond confused.

"Call him," Slade said in an eerie voice, "call your hero." He sneered.

Reluctantly, Felicity pulled out her phone and dialed. Oliver picked up after two rings.

"Good morning," he moaned, sounding half asleep.

"Oliver," Felicity chocked out.

"Felicity? What's wrong?" Asked Oliver, sounding alarmed.

"I'm so sorry- I" Felicity was shaking to get the words out.

"Felicity, I need you to calm down. Where are you?" Oliver asked calmly.

"Ah, she will be at your lair. Hurry Oliver." Slade cut in, a cruel smile playing on his


"Damnit Slade, don't touch her! It's me you want." Oliver hissed though clenched teeth.

With that, Slade threw the phone. "You're right Oliver." He muttered. In one sift

motion, he dragged Felicity over his shoulder, and pressed a cloth over her mouth. She

couldn't breathe. Her lungs felt as if they were on fire.


"Diggle, pick up." Oliver hissed, as he laced a few arrows with the cure.

"Hello?" Diggle asked, sounding busy.

"Slade had Felicity. He is taking her to the lair, can you get footage?"

The line was silent for a moment. "It's not looking good Oliver. He has Sara as well."

Diggle said, sounding grim.

"He is making me choose..." Oliver froze with realization. This was not happening. This
cold not be happening.

He quickly threw his hood on, and put the cure laced arrows into his quiver. Luckily

Diggle and Felicity had moved all the things out of the lair.

Oliver moved quickly, and before he knew it he was standing in front of Verdant. Dead

bodies of officers were littered everywhere. Slade was here.

Cautiously sidestepping the dead, Oliver made it to the basement door. Taking a deep

breath, he entered the code. As he walked down the stairs of the lair, all the lights were

off. Once he reached the bottom, they shot on, blinding him slightly.

"I'm glad you could make it." Slade said, his voice filled with rage.

Felicity and Sara were tied up next to each other in front of Oliver. Slade stood between

them, holding his pistol.

"Is this how it looked, when you watched Shado die?" He roared, "and did NOTHING."

Sara looked as pale as a ghost. Fear covered her whole expression. If only she knew she

could fight- not that it would help much, as she was tied up.

Felicity's expression was unreadable. A single tear slipped down her cheek, and she

looked up at Oliver. "Don't choose me," she said softly, "I don't want to be the cause of

Sara's death."

"Sara didn't mind," Slade drawled, "when she was the cause of Shado's."

Sara looked lost. "Who is Shado? I didn't-"

Slade silenced her with a killer look. "Choose."

Oliver was frozen to the place he stood, watching the women he loved at gunpoint. He closed his eyes.

"You are drying my patience Queen." Slade snapped, pointing the gun at Felicity, then at Sara.

Oliver took an arrow laced with the cure from his quiver and shot it at Slade, who

caught it easily. Then another, and another, until he only had one remaining.

"Oliver," Felicity called, looking shaken, "I love you."

The gun went off. 🔫

Oliver shot his last arrow. >>---------------> 💘


Haha I'm so sorry for the cliff hanger. Or am I?

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