Wake Up Oliver, I'll Take Care Of Everything Else

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[Chapter 37; Wake Up Oliver, I'll Take Care Of Everything Else]

^wow, long chapter title huh?

"Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose." -Unknown


Felicity sat in the very uncomfortable chair next to Oliver's bed. If she wouldn't have known that he was in a coma, she would have though the was sleeping- aside from all the needles. It didn't seem very comfortable.

Oliver looked peaceful. His lips were parted slightly and his hair was tousled. Felicity kept wondering who had undressed him and put him in his hospital gown.

Nurses kept constantly barging in and ogling him. Felicity caught them stealing glances at him when they were cleaning up or sticking more needles in him. One nurse in particular shamelessly would check out the unconscious hero.

Felicity cleared her throat.

"If you're sick, then you shouldn't be in here." The nurse told her in a matter-of-fact tone.

Felicity's eyes widened. "Well if you're here for a boyfriend, you shouldn't be here. Try a dating site." She shot back.

The nurse reddened at her words, but continued to glare in Felicity's direction.

"Wait outside." The nurse demands. Felicity was shocked. Were nurses aloud to do that?

"You can do your job with me watching." Felicity hissed.

The nurses eyes widened. Apparently she was thinking of a different job than Felicity.

"I can't focus with you in here." The nurse chided. She took another needle, filled with fluid and injected into Oliver's left arm.

"Stop sticking things in him!" Felicity exclaimed. She turned a little red at her comment. She always thought of the worst way to say things.

"I think it's best if you get some rest, Felicity." Diggle piped up. Felicity hadn't even seen him sitting there.

Reluctantly, she got to her feet. Diggle lead her into the hallway.

"Felicity, to be honest with you, it's not looking good." He began. "I've never seen him like this."

Felicity gripped the engagement ring tighter in the palm of her hand. "No, he will be ok. Tell me he will be ok." She felt the tears coming. As much as she wanted to be strong for Oliver, she felt herself breaking.

Diggle lowered his eyes. "I can't tell you that, Felicity."

She didn't try to stop the tears anymore. Rushing forewords, she buried her head in Diggle's shoulder and let them flow. He wrapped his strong arms around her in comfort.

"I can't lose him, Diggle." She sobbed quietly. People in the waiting room gave her sympathetic looks. Though they probably had no idea what was going on, it was the hospital and it wasn't to hard to guess something was wrong.

Felicity looked up to see Moira approaching. Oliver's mother hadn't said a single rude comment to her ever since Oliver's coma.

"Is he any better?" She asked quietly. Felicity shook her head sadly, wiping away her tears.

"Alright, I'm going in," Moira told her, "and don't get any ideas with Mr. Diggle." She added.

Felicity turned crimson and jumped away for her best friend. "It's not like that at all! I could never feel anything more than friendship towards him!" She called after Moira.

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