Waking Up To Confusion

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Two Weeks Later-

Felicity felt pain throbbing through her head. As she tried to open her eyes, the light blinded her.

"She's awake!" She heard a deep voice say. Roy.

As soon as her vision cleared, she made out Roy's broad figure sitting in a chair near her hospital bed. Felicity could not help but notice that Roy looked like he hadn't slept in a while.

His handsome features were faded, and there was clear worry in his eyes. Roy wore his usual red hoodie and jeans, and he was busy texting someone.

"How long have I been out?" Felicity mumbled, wincing as she tried to sit up. Roy looked up from his phone.

"Two weeks." He said, still looking worried.

Was something on her face?

"I was just about to go back too work too..." Felicity silently cursed herself for not simply going to bed. This would have saved everyone a lot of grief.

"Oliver can't make it right now." Roy said slowly, still not meeting her eyes.

Normally, Felicity would have though nothing of this, however, Roy's behavior was really strange.

"Where is he?" Felicity asked suspiciously.

"Smuf huh." Roy muttered. Or at least that is what Felicity heard, since Roy had shoved his face into a muffin. Seriously?

Before Felicity could ask again, a nurse came into the room. "Ms. Smoak, your body seems fine. Whatever drug you took seems to be out of your system. I'll have the doctor come take a look at you, but if I get the all clear, I will discharge you ASAP." Said the nurse in a cheerful voice.

"Thanks," Felicity paused to read the nurses' name tag, "Nancy."

The nurse- Nancy- smiled at Roy shyly before leaving the room. He didn't even look up from his muffin.

An awkward silence hung over the hospital room. Roy continued to eat his muffin in silence, and Felicity was trying to think of a discreet way to ask him about Oliver. Thoughts whirled in her head. Where could he be? Had Slade gotten to him? Was he alright? Was he alive? Was he with Sara? A pang of jealousy shot through her. Was Oliver to busy with Sara to see if she was even alright?

"Ms. Smoak, your results are in," Nacy began, "the doctor has given me the all clear and you may go home. He also recommends that you get back to your normal routine- you have been out of it for a while.

Felicity nodded and shot a look at Roy. As their yes met, he quickly averted his gaze.
"Where will I be staying?" Felicity asked, shooting Roy another pointed look that he ignored.

"Your place."


Felicity opened the door to her townhouse and looked around. Everything was dark- a little dusty, but just as she had left it. She flicked on the lights and sighed in relief. It was so good to be back. Calypso, her cat, padded up to her meowing loudly. She couldn't help but wonder who had taken care of Calypso while she was gone. These thoughts were soon explained as she saw a note on the counter:

While you were sleeping, I remembered to care for your cat. Also, when I heard you had woken up, I made sure to clean out your fridge of old food and restock it with new groceries. Rest up & feel better- I hope to see you soon.
Best wishes,

Felicity smiled as she read Diggle's note. However, as she re-read it, she couldn't help but notice the brevity of the letter, and how it failed to mention Oliver and what had went on the past two weeks. Feeling frustrated, Felicity picked up her phone and dialed.

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