Determined Smoak & Her Partners

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[Chapter 38; Determined Smoak & Her Partners]

^extremely long chapter title wow

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else. -Someone who I don't remember..oops


Two weeks had flown by and Oliver was still in a coma. The press wasn't leaving her alone- especially since she would wear the engagement ring everywhere she went. It was her small token to remember Oliver by.

Every time she went to the hospital, she left feeling depressed. It was getting to the point where antidepressants were necessary. Never the less, she would visit Oliver daily, hoping to hear some good news.

Felicity rubbed the bridge of her nose where her glasses sit. She was at work, but it was impossible to focus. Walter was standing in as the CEO, and now Felicity was his secretary. So far, all she had done was make him coffee.


With all her free time, Felicity was emailing Barry Allen. The two of them, along with Diggle and Roy, where trying to figure out who had done this to Oliver.

Diggle had taken over being the vigilante, but his archery skills couldn't measure up to Oliver's. Therefore he didn't use he bow he held. Roy was getting better, however. He was training long and hard- and the results were impressive.

Barry suggested that Felicity meet him after work, and she was planning on doing just that. He had a lead, and as Felicity expected, it had to do with Isabelle- who was their main suspect.

This woman was equally annoying as Slade Wilson.. Felicity thought.

"Felicity, could you make another pot of coffee and make a few copies of this contract?" Walter asked, interrupting her train of thoughts.

"Of course." Felicity inwardly sighed and went over to start the coffee.

Her surprise was unimaginable when she saw Thea standing in her path, her arms crossed.

"Who's Isabelle Roshev, and why is she telling me you had something with Olli's accident?" Thea looked angrier than Felicity had ever seen her before.

"Probably just some low life reporter, looking for a story." Felicity lied, hoping that Thea would know that she would never do anything to harm Oliver.

Thea didn't look very convinced. "If I find out that you had something to do with it, I will be telling the authorities." She hissed, her blue eyes furious.

Fear flashed through Felicity. Isabelle's next move was most likely going to be framing her.

She quickly made the copies and brewed the coffee. As she entered Walters office, she was a ghostly pale.

"Is everything alright?" He asked, looking concerned as Felicity brought him his contracts and coffee.

"I'm feeling sick, may I take the rest of the day off?" Felicity asked her boss, unable to keep the hope out of her voice.

"Of course Mrs. Smoak." He nodded to her.

Felicity felt dizzy as she excited Queen Consolidated. As quickly as she could, she dialed Diggle's phone number.

"Felicity, I can't talk right now, I'll call you back." Diggle whispered into the phone.

"Bu-" click.

Diggle had just hung up on her. It must have been something very important for him to hang up on a friend.

Next Felicity called Roy, only to get his voicemail. Frustration seeped through her, and she almost felt like throwing her phone across the room.

Instead, she decided to drive to the lair. At least down there she was protected from the public eye.

When she arrived, she snuck in the back way to avoid the dancing people. Entering the code, she slipped into the lair.

Her computers sat there, collecting dust. Felicity had been so focused on figuring out who had hurt Oliver that she hadn't been down in the lair for a while. She hadn't needed to- The Arrow was gone.

Even though Diggle had taken over, he only wore the suit and made sure he got spotted so Starling City would still know that Arrow was there. He never did any actual fighting, so Felicity wasn't needed.

She sat down at one of her computers and stared at the blank screen. What was she going to do?

Leaving her technology, she walked over to the glass case that held Oliver's suit. She ran her fingers across his bow.

Then, an idea sprang into her mind.

Picking up the bow and slinging the quiver of arrows around her shoulders she headed to the training area of the lair. Felicity moved the bow to her left hand and put an arrow on the string. Snapping it into place, she pulled the string back with one finger over the arrow and two fingers under it- just as Oliver had instructed her to.

She pulled the drawstring back until her hand was near the corner of her mouth.

Taking a deep breath, she released the arrow. This time, instead of flying five feet off, the arrow found it's way to the edge of the target.


Diggle left Oliver's side and headed to his car. He needed to make one quick stop at Lila's house before heading home. Barry Allen was supposed to come over later with some new leads and Diggle wanted some time to himself first.

He pulled out of the parking lot of the hospital and swung onto the main road. Hopefully Lila would be in a good mood- she had been extremely moody lately. That's natural of course, but still, it was hard.

Diggle switched on the radio to the news. A lot of talk was going on about Oliver, but his coma was becoming old news. Diggle was starting to doubt that his friend would wake up.


Diggle's car was slammed sideways, and he scrambled for the controls. He jerked the steering wheel towards the left just in time to narrowly miss hitting a truck.

As soon as his car came to a stop, he scrambled out to see who had hit him.

Isabelle herself stepped out of the van.

"Mr. Diggle, long time no see." She smirked. The scar Oliver had given her while breaking Felicity out was clear as day on her face.

Just then, Diggle's phone rang. His caller ID told him it was Felicity. He picked it up, hoping to tell Felicity about Isabelle. Before he could, a gun was pressed to his head.

"You're busy, do you understand?" Isabelle hissed quietly.

Diggle thought about telling Felicity that it was indeed Isabelle who was behind everything. But for the sake of his unborn child, he couldn't.

"Felicity, I can't talk right now. I'll call you back." Diggle told her. She started to protest, but he pressed 'end call'.

"So Mrs. Smoak was calling you, huh?" Isabelle's smirk widened as Diggle realized his mistake.


Another short ish chapter.... Yes....

The length will be made up for in the following chapter, which has a lot to cover. I have already started writing it *nervous laughter* no, really, I did. I promise.

I can't believe so many people are reading this story!

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