Very Platonic Circumstances

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"Oliver, you have to correctly type the algorithm. Otherwise the computer will register a security breach." Felicity explained, trying to be patient with Oliver, who wasn't the worlds best hacker.

"I give up, Felicity." Oliver huffed, all traces of his previous confident smirk gone from his face.

"Oh? I thought Oliver Queen never quits." Felicity teased, jabbing him in the side.

"I don't. I'm just...taking a break." Oliver defended stubbornly, causing Felicity to laugh.

"Oh, you and your package. You're so stubborn," Felicity slapped a hand over her mouth, "I meant your personality. That was a really bad way of saying personality."

Oliver's eyes danced with amusement. "You always come up with new ways to say things."

"Ha. Ha." Felicity mock glared at Oliver as she adverted her gaze from him to focus on her computer.

"My turn." Oliver broke into her thoughts by touching her arm lightly, sending shivers down her spine.

"W-what?" Felicity turned to face him and was caught in his gaze.

"Well, I tried to learn how to hack, so now you get to learn how to fight." He pulled his lips into a challenging smirk.

Narrowing her eyes, Felicity weighed her options. Suck it up and train with Oliver- which meant fighting with an extremely good looking shirtless guy and facing her feelings or facing defeat.

"Fine. But I'm going to be better at kicking ass then you were at hacking." Felicity warned him, setting her glasses down on her desk.

Oliver pulled his shirt off and tossed it aside, his muscles rippling as he moved. Felicity tried not to look, but as usual, she failed. Her cheeks were burning as she followed him to the mat.

"You need to stay alert at all times. Try to counter my moves and anticipate my every action." Oliver instructed, slipping on boxing gloves as he spoke.

"Right." Felicity threw a punch, which Oliver sidestepped easily, an amused expression set on his face.

Huffing, Felicity lunged at him again, quicker this time. Oliver easily blocked her attack with his arm.

Frustrated, Felicity remembered what Ray had told her. 'Use your strengths. Men will underestimate you. Remember that.' Smiling innocently, Felicity caught Oliver's gaze. He relaxed instantly, visibly letting his guard down a little bit.

Then, Felicity tried to strike. As she threw her punch, Oliver grabbed her arm and pulled her down to the mat, landing directly over her.

Felicity gazed up at him in surprise. "That was supposed to work." She mumbled.

"Did you really think I would fall for that, Felicity?" Oliver asked her softly, a hint of mirth in his tone.

Felicity's breath hitched as she realized how close Oliver was. Their breath mingled as they stared at each other. Felicity had never wanted anyone to kiss her more than she wanted Oliver's lips on hers at this exact moment.

"Felicity..." Oliver's voice was raw, full of emotion and yearning.

Though she knew it was wrong, Felicity knew that she would rather have Oliver than Ray. Though Ray was wonderful- and a hero- Oliver would always have her heart.

"Would you like a coffee, Mr. Queen?" Felicity asked suddenly. She tended to ramble, especially under pressure or when she felt uncomfortable.

"A coffee would be wonderful, Mrs. Smoak. Have you had a coffee today?" He asked her harmlessly, a hint of playfulness in his voice.

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