Remember Me?

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Staring at Slade, Sara realized she was fighting a losing battle. She had gone alone as soon as she had discovered Slade's lair. Unlike Felicity and Oliver, Sara knew that Salde had to be killed.

"You should not have come," he said, his voice laced with his usual Australian accent," what is it they say? Oh yes. The smallest sins get punished right away."

Sara wrinkled her nose in disgust. "The only sinner here is you," she spat, "but enough talking." Sara pulled her gun laced with venom that she knew how to use thanks to the League Of Assassins.

"As you wish." Drawled Slade. With that, he vanished.

Sara couldn't believe her eyes. It seemed as if Slade had vanished into thin air. Knowing that couldn't be the case, her eyes darted around looking for his escape route.

"Come and fight you cowar-" Sara froze.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

The place was rigged to blow! Quickly, Sara made a mad dash for the exit.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

Her heart was thudding uncontrollably in her chest. Could this really be the end?

The bomb went off.


Felicity was in the middle of tracking Sara, with a worried Oliver at her side.

"Have you found her?" Asked Oliver, his voice dangerously low; an eerie calm.

"No traffic cams have picked her up." Felicity replied, irritated. As much as she understood Oliver's concern, his constant outbursts were not helping her concentration.

"She should never have gone out alone," hissed Oliver, pointing an accusing finger at Diggle and Roy, "you two should have been watching her."

"I was at work," Roy protested, "and it wasn't my girlfriend- my girlfriend is sadly at home as of now."

Diggle shot Roy a warning look. He was walking on very thin vice. Much to Felicity, Diggle- and even Roy's surprise, Oliver remained quiet; his jaw clenched.

Felicity turned her full attention back to her monitor. She continued sifting through traffic cam footage with no luck.

"I've got to go." Roy mumbled after receiving a text from someone.

Diggle nodded to him, and Oliver remained silent. Honestly, Felicity was slightly scared of this silent Oliver. He had always been reserved, but this was extreme.

"Holy tomatoes," Felicity cried, "I believe I have your location- a building just blew sky high... south ave. 2630"

She couldn't believe it. What if Sara...she refused to think like that. Sara was a tough girl. She would be fine.


Oliver was hooded up within less than a minute- which must be so,e sort of record. As Felicity often points out to him, the pants are quite tight.

"Alright, Diggle watch her." Oliver said, grabbing his bow and gesturing towards Felicity. Before even waiting for a reply, Oliver is out of the lair and heading towards the explosion.

Oliver can't even think straight about anything besides finding Sara. Hell, he was in love with Sara. She had to be ok.

As he passes buildings and turns street corners, everything starts looking the same. And then he sees it.

The rubble is devastating. The once new looking warehouse was barely standing- most of it was actually not standing.

"SARA!" Oliver calls, not caring who hears him. Luckily, no one is in sight yet, and the police haven't arrived at the scene.


Then he sees her. Still dressed as the Black Canary, she is lying on her side amongst the rubble.

As Oliver rushes towards her, scrambling over pieces of metal. Once he reaches her side, he bends over her to check her pulse. Much to his relief, it was strong.

Sara takes a sharp breath and her eyes flutter open.

"Sara, you're ok. Thank god you're ok." Oliver says, and pulls her into a tight hug. What would he have done if he had lost her? He didn't even know.

Sara pulls out of the embrace. "I'm sorry, but who are you? Should I know you?" Her eyes look tired, and scared.

"Sara..." Oliver gasps.

Don't worry, Olicity is happening soon. Next couple of chapters hopefully. If it works out. xD

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