Heart to Heart

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Pushing all thoughts of his personal life far from his mind, Oliver focused on the man sneaking into the bank.

"Talk to me, Felicity." Oliver spoke into his mouth piece, trying to keep the irritation out of his tone.

"He's heading in." Felicity warned him, sounding very anxious. Even though he couldn't see her, Oliver could imagine her forehead creased with worry.

Oliver picked up his bow and approached the building. "Are you sure?" He hissed to Felicity, who quickly double checked her computer screen.

"Yes, I'm sure. He's... Oliver, he's right behind you!" Felicity yelped in surprise, causing Oliver to whirl around.

"There is no one here, Felicity." Oliver snapped.

All of a sudden, a man in a dark business suit emerged from the shadows. "Stay away from Felicity, Oliver Queen."

"Palmer. I should've known." Oliver spat.

"You should be thanking me. I took out the man on your list before you even arrived." Ray drawled.

Oliver's eyes widened. "How do you know about the list?" He asked threateningly, ignoring the fact that Ray also knew his identity.

"Felicity talks in her sleep. I've heard a lot about you. You're a real asshole, Queen."

Oliver bristled at the thought of Ray in Felicity's bed. "It's not the first time I've heard that." He remarked, trying to keep his cool.

"What's happening, Oliver?" Felicity asked over the earpiece.

"Go home to the kids, I'm done here." Oliver spoke into his earpiece. Clenching his jaw, he raised his bow.


"Mama, why can't we just go home?" Jonas asked, his voice small as Felicity tucked him into bed.

"Because this is our home now." Felicity answered firmly, placing a kiss on his forehead.

"Where's dad?" Megan piped up from her bed, positioned next to Jonas'.

"Out," Felicity ruffled her hair, "sleep tight."

After Felicity closed the door, she let out a sigh in relief. Her first day was over.

Quickly, Felicity pulled out her phone to call Ray. She had promised him that she would keep in touch with him by calling each night.

"Hey, Felicity." Ray's breathing was heavy.

"What are you doing?" Felicity questioned.

"I'm... watching TV." Ray answered hesitantly.

"Ray, are you with someone?" Felicity asked suspiciously.

"What? Noooooo. Of course not. Look, I got to go, I'll call-" CLICK.

Sighing, Felicity set her phone down. She couldn't seem to keep the attention of any guy. A wave of sadness washed over her. Ray isn't like that.

Felicity slipped into her nightgown and took a seat on the couch, deciding to watch some TV before heading to bed.

Time got away from her as her thoughts drifted to Oliver.


"How dare you use Felicity." Oliver hissed at Ray, his voice a deadly calm.

"You're one to talk." Ray laughed curtly, mocking Oliver.

"Only because she would hate me if I killed you, I'm letting you go. But you are never going to call her again, visit her again, or even think of her again- or I will kill you." Oliver continued to aim his bow at Ray.

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