Life is Full Of Surprises

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[Chapter 46; Life is Full Of Surprises]


As 8pm drew closer, Felicity wished she could freeze time. She and Oliver had spent the day walking through the park, eating Italian food, and window shopping. Oliver had his arm wrapped around her shoulders, and Felicity had her arm wrapped around his waist.

"Well, we have about forty five minutes before we have to head back," Oliver said, reluctance clear in his tone, "so what else would you like to do?"

"I have no idea," Felicity answered honestly, "but today was amazing, so thank you."

"No, thank you." Oliver replied, squeezing Felicity's shoulder fondly.

"HEY, GIVE THAT BACK! STOP!" Felicity tore her eyes away from Oliver and let her mouth hang open when she saw a young girl, maybe in her early teens, chasing after a man in his late twenties.

Oliver dashed in front of the man, knocking him to the ground. They struggled for a few seconds, but the outcome was as Felicity had predicted. Oliver had him pinned to the ground.

"What did you take from her?" Oliver asked, his voice a deadly calm.

"Nothing!" The man yelled out in pain as Oliver twisted his arm behind his back.

"I said, what did you take?" Oliver growled, sounding more like The Arrow this time.

"Just a locket, please, I just needed the cash." The man whimpered. With his free hand, the man reached into his left pocket and handed Oliver the locket.

"Next time, find a different way to get your cash." Oliver spat as he stood up, releasing the man.

"Easy for you to say, Queen." The man mumbled, before taking off.

Oliver handed the girl her locket. Gratitude shown in her eyes. "Thank you, sir." She threw her arms around Oliver. His eyes widened in surprise, but he softly put his arms around the young girl.

"No problem. Stay safe now, and go back to your parents." Oliver told her sternly. She nodded and headed back in the direction she had came.

Shaking his head, Oliver headed back to Felicity.

"That was amazing, Oliver." Felicity praised, unable to keep the awe of her voice.

"She was a sweet kid." Oliver mumbled.

Felicity smiled. "Yeah, she was."


"I pinged his phone, he is working in the glades." Felicity called as Oliver threw on his hood.

"Stay safe, man. I'm going to head back to Lyla." Diggle said in an apologetic tone.

"Don't leave Felicity alone. If Thea-" Oliver started but another voice cut him off.

"That's why I'm here." Sara stood at the top of the stair way. Oliver had almost forgotten that she was back.

"Alright, thanks Sara," Oliver gave her a light pat on the shoulder as he headed up the stairs, "and say hello to Lyla for me, Diggle." He called over his shoulder.

Oliver hopped on his motorcycle and sped off into the night. He couldn't stop thinking about the sweet girl today. Shaking it off, he tried to focus on the man they were taking down. A rouge member of the League of Assassins.

"Ok, turn left." Felicity said as Oliver approached an intersection. Oliver veered left, but he couldn't help but chuckle. Felicity was like his GPS some nights.

"What's so funny?" Felicity asked.

"Nothing, but I need to know how much further. I forgot to put gas in my bike." Oliver cursed as he saw the low gas level.

"Two miles, you're almost there." Felicity said, causing him to sigh in relief. His bike could make it two more miles.

Only minutes later, Oliver stood parked in front of a refurbished town house that had been destroyed in The Undertaking.

Raising his bow, he jumped off his bike. It didn't take him long to find the suspect. He was eating dinner. With his family.

"Felicity, I need to get the suspect alone. He is... with his wife and children." He whispered.

"Ok, I'm on it. I could give you a phone number?" Felicity suggested.

"Great." Oliver nodded. Once Felicity had given him the number, Oliver used his Arrow phone to call the number.

"Hello? I'm in the middle of dinner right no-"

"Come outside. Or I'm coming in" Oliver threatened.

"I'll be right there." The man, Joseph Seiger, said quickly. Oliver hung up without saying anything else.

It was only a matter of seconds before the screen door creaked open. Joseph's eyes widened as he saw The Arrow.

"You're with the League." Oliver said. Joseph nodded solemnly, closing the door behind him.

"I needed to be with my family," Joseph explained, "the League never lets anyone leave. When they came after me...I had no choice but to...kill."

"You're putting your family in danger. The League will come after your full force if you continue to kill them off. They will go after those you care about as leverage. Is that what you want?" Oliver reasoned. Joseph noticeably paled.


With that, Oliver returned to his motorbike. He sped away, going back the way he had come.

"What happened?" Felicity asked.

"I'll tell you when I get back." Oliver replied, feeling sympathetic for the man and his family. Just then, Oliver's bike sputtered out.


Felicity turned her earpiece off and turned to Sara. "He's on his way back." She told her.

Sara nodded. "That's good, do you want to wait for him, or should I take you back to the hotel room?"

"Yeah," Felicity stood up, but as soon as she did, she felt her knees give in, "Sara!" She called out. Everything went black as she hit the floor.

"Oliver isn't back yet, I left him a note." Felicity heard Sara say to someone. Their response was muffled but it sounded masculine.

Felicity opened her eyes, and to her surprise, she felt fine.

"Felicity!" The voice belonged to Diggle. He and Sara sat next to her bed.

"Hey," She grinned sheepishly, "I always manage to get myself in the hospital."

Sara chuckled. "Are you feeling ok?"

"Yeah... Where's Oliver?" Felicity asked, wondering what Sara meant by 'he isn't back yet'.

"He will be here soon, I'm sure. He's probably arriving at the lair right now. I left him a note." Sara told her.

"Felicity Smoak?" A doctor appeared in the doorway, holding a clipboard.

"That's me." Felicity replied, hoping that the doctor hadn't overheard Sara talking about the lair.

"We have some news for you," The doctor said, walking into the room, "do you want them in here with you?" The doctor asked.

"Of course." Felicity felt her heart rate increase. What was wrong with her?

"You're pregnant."

Well this was an eventful chapter! I really felt like writing so this is three chapters in a row xD

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