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The plan was to have Arrow attack Verdant. While the police forces where distracted, Diggle and Felicity would get all of the Arrow's belongings out of the basement.

"Is this going to work?" Felicity asked, bitting her lip.

"It better." Oliver replied.

His response did not seem to console Felicity much, as she continued to look frightened. Oliver felt bad, but he knew it was their only option. If he had been more responsible this wouldn't have happened.

After Oliver was hooded up with his Arrow suit, he went over the plan once more. This was already their second plan- their first plan was simply to get the Arrow suit back.

This had been easily (more or less) executed using Detective Lance, who was still not in on the secret that Oliver was the Arrow; he had not put the two and two together.

Now, Oliver was equipped with his bow, his quiver holding 25 arrows, and of course- his hood.

Knowing he might take a bullet or two, Oliver made sure that Diggle would have an emergency first aid kit in the car.

"Alright, I'm going in." He finally said, feeling reluctant to go. Attacking the Starling City police would not help his already dangerous image. He was working very hard to stop being a killer and earn the trust of the people of Starling City.

"Oliver," Felicity called, looking him in the eyes, "be careful."

Oliver felt a tweak at his heart that he ignored. "I will."

Once Diggle nodded, Oliver took a deep breath and entered Verdant.


Dig nodded to Felicity, who looked like someone was about to shoot her cat. "Alright, you ready?"

When Felicity merely nodded, he felt the need to say something.

"He will be fine Felicity. We can help him out by going in there and hiding away all the stuff ok?"

"Alright, let's go." Felicity confirmed.

Diggle lead Felicity to the back entrance. Normally a guard would be positioned at the door, but the whole force was focused on stopping a certain masked man.

The two easily opened the door, and headed down the empty hallway. It was almost eerie to see Verdant this vacant. In the distance, gunshots were audible, along with a lot of banging and shouting. Diggle noticed Felicity cringe as each gunshot rang out. Poor girl.

"Ok, unlock the door." He told Felicity. While she unlocked the door, Diggle held out his gun and pointed it at the darkness. If any threat (meaning officer) attacked, he would be sorry.

Once inside the lair, Felicity and Diggle went to work pushing objects into a secret back room for emergencies, but leaving out a few chairs and tables, along with a computer, making it seem as if "Mr. Green" had been using the basement for a meeting room.

To be safe, Diggle had asked Felicity to wipe the computer of any traceable data, while he wiped down all the equipment for fingerprints.

"Diggle, I can't keep fighting without killing. They have called in reinforcements." Oliver's voice came over Diggle's earpiece.

"We are on our way out." He answered, gesturing to Felicity.

As they bolted towards the exit, forces spilled in the back door. They both ran into the bathroom. What would they do?


Oliver took a bullet to the shoulder. He grimaced in pain before shooting an arrow back, hitting the electricity box, shutting the lights in the whole club off.

Now was his time to escape. Oliver ran down empty hallways before quickly sprinting passed the confused force and out into the streets.

Making a sharp turn to avoid a passing car, Oliver raced towards the car where Felicity and Diggle were waiting.

As it came into sight, he felt relief flood through him. They had done it. Oliver thought of his partners and how much they had been through together. This was one of the times when he felt really grateful for all they had done for him.

Once Oliver reached the car he noticed it was empty. Cold fear washed over him- they were still inside. He cursed under his breath and quickly used his earpiece to call Diggle.

"Where are you?" He asked, trying not to sound frantic. What would he do if Diggle- or worse- Felicity was hurt? How would he forgive himself. This had all started with Slade.

I have a presentation in school tomorrow ah wish me luck. I'll update soon :)

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