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Laurel whirled around as she saw the figure fall from the rooftop. It was the woman she recognized as The Canary- an accomplice of The Arrow. Her black mask had fallen off and landed next to her and her blonde hair framed her face.

"Oh my god." Laurel looked around wildly for anyone who could have done this. When she saw no one, she decided to call her dad. He didn't pick up. Hesitantly, she called her sister, Sara. Suddenly, The Canary's phone went off. Laurel lowered her phone and approached the dead girl.

"Sara. SARA!"


Oliver clenched his jaw. The silence was deafening, and Felicity was starting to wish that she had kept her pregnancy a secret for a little longer. Now she was going to lose Oliver.

"Oliver?" Felicity called out tentatively. When he didn't answer a wave of sadness washed over her. "I'm going to go back to your house to get my stuff and I'll be out of your way." She said, unable to keep the hurt out of her tone. Right now, she needed space from Oliver.

Maybe she had been wrong about him.

"I'm sorry, Felicity. This is not... I can't... I'm The Arrow..."

Felicity started up the stairs. Before she left, she cast one last look in Oliver's direction. His mask and hood made it impossible to see what he was thinking. Felicity slammed the door and took off running. Everything had been perfect. Perfect. And now things were falling apart.

As her cab pulled up to the Queen mansion, Felicity felt her nerves kick in. The last time she had seen Thea, she had a gun up to Felicity's head.

"Thanks." She paid the cab driver and tentatively stepped out onto the pavement.

As she knocked on the door, Felicity considered running away and leaving her things at the Queens' house. However, she decided against it since her grey cat was among her possessions.

"Hello?" Roy answered the door.

"Hey-I-need-my-cat-and-my-stuff-can-you-let-me-in?" Felicity said quickly all in one sentence.

"Uh, sure?" Roy let Felicity in and she was off. Felicity sprinted up the stairs and into Oliver's room, praying that no one had seen her other than Roy.

She gathered her clothes, laptop, and necessities, and put it all in her suit case. Grabbing her cat carrier from under the bed, she picked up her grey tabby, Phoenix, who was lying on the bed.

She smiled sadly as her eyes fell upon a picture of her and Oliver together. Diggle had insisted that they take the picture for a memory at the Queen's Christmas party two years ago. Even though Felicity was Jewish, she had gone anyways to be polite. She had never known that Oliver had kept the picture.

Felicity ripped the photo in half, taking the photo of Oliver and leaving the one of her lying on the nightstand. She had to get away, to start over. She couldn't stay in Starling City, letting memories haunt her.

Her things in her hands, Felicity snuck out the back door to where her cab was waiting for her.

"Goodbye, Oliver." Felicity murmured, tears streaming down her face. Without meaning to, Felicity touched her stomach lightly. This child would be her priority now. She had to distance her child from Starling City, from The Arrow.


Oliver cursed and slammed his hand down on the operation table. This couldn't be happening. Of course he wanted to be a father. Of course he wanted to be there for his child and Felicity.

"I'm a bastard." Oliver said aloud, to no one in particular.

Throwing on a white shirt and pants, Oliver grabbed his leather jacket and headed after Felicity. It had only been a few hours, she couldn't have gone far. But something didn't feel right.

Oliver headed to the hotel room first, but much to his dismay, the employees had not seen Felicity. Next, he checked Felicity's townhouse. It was vacant as usual. He paced around, looking for any sign as to where Felicity could be.

"May I help you?" A young woman asked.

Oliver whirled around to see a younger black haired girl staring at him, standing in the doorway, with papers in her hand.

"Uh... Is Mrs. Smoak here?" Oliver asked hesitantly.

"Mrs. Smoak sold her house to the market about an hour ago. Who are you?" The woman asked skeptically, probably wondering wether or not to call the cops.

"An idiot..." Oliver swore under his breath and raced out of Felicity's old town house.

"Alright? Nice to meet you, Idiot." The woman called after Oliver as he ran out the door.

As soon as he was in his black Lexus, he was speeding down the road. If Felicity was leaving, she would have to go to his house first to get her things.

He sped down the street, narrowly missing a bus and am SUV. His turns were sharp and sloppy; he wasn't thinking. His mind was only on one person- Felicity. The love of his life.

He jumped out of the car and sprinted to the house. Flinging open the door, he caught Roy shirtless, holding to cups of coffee and walking up the stairs.

"We will talk about this later." Oliver growled as he sprinted to his room. He threw open the door and paused.

"No. No." Oliver eyes scoured the room only to see Felicity's belongings gone. All of them.

Oliver raked a hand through his hair and let out a string of curse words. He really was a jerk. He deserved this. But Felicity didn't.

His eyes fell upon a photo propped up on the nightstand. Picking it up, his heart froze. He had been ripped out of the picture. Only Felicity remained. Turning the picture over in his hand, he read the back, written in Felicity's familiar scrawl.

'Goodbye Oliver.'

Oliver clenched the picture in his hand. Felicity had been the best thing that had ever happened to him- and he had let his fear of being a parent in the way of his relationship with her.

He was a coward.

And he was in love with Felicity. And he loved his unborn child.

A single tear rolled down Oliver's cheek. He had lost her, but he wouldn't give up.

Being The Arrow was a lonely path, and he was losing everything. But for now it was all he had.

Ok, so I'm not sure weather I should make this the end. I might write a sequel, but this is the 50th chapter, and I was always planning on ending this story when it got to 50. Comment if you want a sequel, or if I should keep this story going and then write a sequel- or if there shouldn't be a sequel. In the end, I'll make my decision, but I want your input. Thanks ily <3

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