The Bank Robbers- and trained by the best

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[Chapter 29; The Bank Robbers- and trained by the best]

"All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt."
― Charles M. Schulz


Felicity woke up practically on top of Oliver, with her head on his chest. She could practically feel her face heat up. Which was completely possible- Felicity always felt it when she blushed.

"Good morning, Felicity." Oliver groaned, his eyes fluttering open. His crystal blue eyes met hers and she turned an even darker shade of red.

"Hi, how's it going? The weather is nice." She blurted out, mentally smacking herself. For all she knew, it could be raining.

"You're beautiful, you know that?" Oliver murmured, smiling lazily. Felicity had never considered herself to be beautiful, but then again, she had also never considered herself ugly.

"Oh." Felicity said, her eyes widening slightly.

Oliver's smile widened.

"You're making fun of me aren't you?" Felicity asked, smacking Oliver shoulder lightly.

"Of course not!" Oliver said innocently. He leaned up and kissed her, catching her off guard.

"You have to stop doing that." She said when they broke apart.

"Doing what?" He retorted lightly, with a sly smile. Oh, Oliver Queen.

Instead of replying, Felicity buried her head in the crook of his neck, causing him to chuckle.

"I just want to sleep all day." She mumbled. Felicity felt absolutely exhausted, yet happy. She was grateful for her hero, Oliver Queen. He was her hero in more ways than one.

"I know," Oliver said softly, "but I have to get up." He kissed the top of her head softly, and she reluctantly rolled off of him.

"Ok Mr. Arrow, go ahead, I'll stay riiiiiight here." She hugged one of the pillows tight.

"Get some sleep." Oliver whispered, and Felicity felt herself drift back into a peaceful sleep.


Oliver hooded up and headed to the Bank, where a robbery was going on. In his rush, he had forgotten to eat, and he was certainly feeling that now. Not that Oliver ate much. Sleeping and eating where two things that no longer came easy to him. The nightmares would always come. Each time he shut his eyes, he would see men on the island.

However, last night he had felt peaceful. If only he had figured out his feelings for Felicity sooner. Perhaps-


Oliver shook his head in surprise as he shook off the blow. An armed robber had given him a blow while he had been deep in thought. Way to go Queen.

The robber aimed another blow at his head, but Oliver dogged it easily, twisting the man's arm until he cried out in pain. This caused the robber to drop his gun, while Oliver issued a follow up blow to his stomach.

The other robber that was watching the hostages turned to fight the Arrow as well. Oliver quickly shot an arrow into the second man's foot, causing him to howl in pain and stop in his tracks.
Oliver then focused his attention towards the first man who was scrambling for his gun.

"You- you're the Arrow!" The man sputtered.

No, really...

Oliver decided this remark was not worth a reply.

"I thought you didn't stop bank robberies- I-"

"I'm branching out a little." Oliver said in his Arrow voice, causing the man to flinch.

Oliver raised his bow.


"Drop the gun." Oliver growled. The frightened man dropped the gun and raised his hands high over his head.

"Are the rumors true? You never miss?" The man asked, his voice shaky, but full of awe.

"Do you want to find out?" Oliver threatened. That shut the man up quickly.

Oliver watched as the hostages leave the bank quickly, practically trampling each other on the way out. The second man was screaming in agony, so Oliver decided to give him a sedative. He pulled out another arrow laced with a sedative and shot it into the mans left arm. He instantly slumped to the floor.

"As for you, walk out to the police with your hands up." Oliver said gruffly, his tone menacing.

The man quickly complied. Oliver felt slightly proud of his reputation as the Arrow.


Felicity finished changing and sat down at her computer. Conveniently, she was in the lair, so she decided to give her computer a software update.

While her computer was updating, she switched on the news to find out Oliver had stopped a bank robbery. All before 8am.

"Hey." Diggle greeted, putting a bagel on Felicity's desk. She gave him a grateful nod before gesturing to the news.

"He is stopping bank robberies now." She pointed out proudly.

"I can see that." Diggle smiled.

"Have you heard from Roy?" Felicity asked nibbling on her bagel.

Diggle's smile faded. "He'll come around." He reassured her.

"I know he will." Felicity shot Diggle a smile, and polished off her bagel.

"Ok, let's work on your training." Diggle said, gesturing towards the punching bags and mats.

"It's only 8!" Felicity protested before giving in. Training was important if she was ever to be in danger- which happened a lot. Being on Team Arrow had it's risks.

"Alright, today we will be working on our palms strikes. Get in a stance like this." Diggle gestured to his body. His right foot was positioned behind his left. His hands were in fists, and they formed a cross- his right also behind his left.

"Ok." Felicity tried to copy his position.

"Very good. Now step with your right foot and do a palm strike with your right and. Remember to exhale, it gives you more power."

After almost twenty minutes of palm striking, the door to the lair swung open. Oliver pulled his hood down as he walked through the door.

"Good job man." Diggle praised. He was as happy as Felicity was that Oliver was no longer sticking to 'the list and anyone who threatened him'

"Mhm," Oliver laid his bow on the table and collapsed in the chair at Felicity's computer, "Felicity, you updated the software again?" Oliver asked, clearly amused at how frequently Felicity updated her software.

"It's important!" She said defensively.

"Alright, let's get back to training," Diggle cut in, "next we will do some round off kicks."

Felicity nodded, and turned to face Diggle again.

"I could train her." Oliver said, as he strode over to the training area. Felicity felt her heart rate speed up. Not only would she be training with the man she loved, but she would also be training with the Arrow.

"Whatever works best." Diggle answered, taking a sip of water from his water bottle.

"Ok great," Oliver shot Felicity a smile, "today we will be working on our archery skills."


Is Oliver going to teach her how to shoot an arrow? Or maybe he will make her slap a bowl of water hehe. I wonder how it would feel to be a vigilante. Today in school my teacher asked me what my goals in life are and I told her "ship Olicity" and "become a vigilante" she was so confused.

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