You Are Not Alone

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[Chapter 32; You Are Not Alone]

"A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you."

― Elbert Hubbard


Oliver squeezed her hand in reassurance. Felicity stood close behind him, facing his back.

He smelled really good.

"So if Oliver Queen is not the Arrow, let's see who is." Isabelle said thoughtfully. Was she going to unmask Roy? Would she even know who he was?

Roy took a step back, and he held his bow against his chest.

Isabelle's guards walked in a circle until Oliver, Felicity, and Roy [dressed as Arrow] were completely surrounded. Oliver squeezed Felicity's hand even tighter. He was beyond tense at this point.

"Ok, now what genius?" Roy hissed to Oliver as he took a step closer, shielding Felicity from the other side. Now she stood between the two men.

Like a sandwich.

"I would highly recommend paying us now, Mr. Queen. And them maybe I'll let you and your friends go." Isabelle piped up.

Money hungry bitch.
Felicity sent a glare towards the other woman.

"Excuse me?!" She roared, taking a step towards the three, causing Oliver to tense up even more.

Had she said that out loud? Cold fear flooded through her. What would Isabelle do now?

"I believe your little blonde has no idea what she says half the time." Isabelle sneered, her eyes narrowing.

Felicity heard Oliver's breath hitch. "Roy, pass me the bow." He whispered, so his voice was barely audible.

Slowly, Felicity saw Roy move the bow to Oliver, shielding the exchange with his body.

"I don't think so, Queen. I'm pretty sure you are the real vigilante- and your stunt with the bow only proves that theory. Let's see what you do when I get your little pet." Isabelle marched to the center of the room where Oliver, Felicity, and Roy were standing back to back.

Oliver put his whole body in front of Felicity's.

"Don't touch her." He said menacingly.

Roy covered Felicity's back, in case a guard were to approach. She felt sandwiched once again, but she was grateful for the protection.

"Felicity, I have Mr. Queen here at gunpoint. I know he won't risk moving and avoiding the bullet, for then it could then hit you. So if I shoot, he will take the bullet. Surely you wouldn't want that to happen..." Isabelle trailed off.

Felicity's eyes shot to Oliver's head- and sure enough, a metallic gun was pressed to his temple.

"What do you want me to do?" Felicity asked shakily.

"Come with me." Isabelle voiced what Felicity was thinking.

"No. Felicity-" Oliver had a warning tone to his voice.

"I can make my own choices." Felicity said quickly, stepping out from her protective position between Oliver and Roy.

One of the guard immediately grabbed her roughly by the hand, and began to lead her out of the room. Felicity cast one last look at Oliver.

He looked back at her in anguish. His blue eyes were faded in defeat, yet at the same time wild with desperation. His jaw was clenched, and his blonde hair was slightly tousled.

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