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Felicity ran her hand through her hair and put her ski mask back on. She had been in the small bathroom for over 10 minutes and by now she was freaking out. Diggle was trying to find his earpiece.

"I must have dropped it!" He shouted frantically. Felicity knew what this meant. If Oliver said either of their names they were dead. The police would be able to figure everything out.

"It's ok," Felicity said slowly, "I'm going to take the fall for all of this." She could just turn herself in, creating yet another diversion. Then Diggle would be able to grab his earpiece and hightail out of there.

Oliver's secret would be safe.

"No Felicity," Diggle said sharply, "you know Oliver wouldn't want that." He was right. Oliver wouldn't want that. However, everyone had to make sacrifices and this would be hers.

Before Diggle could stop her, Felicity bolted to the door of the bathroom. She heard him shout after her, but she had to do this.

Felicity threw open the door and ran down the hallway, which was once again empty.

"FREEZE MA'AM, BUT YOUR HANDS OVER YOUR HEAD OR WE'LL SHOOT." Came the loud voice, making Felicity jump. Slowly, she put her hands over her head and turned around to face the men.

She felt like they could see right through her ski mask and figure out her identity. Now she knew how Oliver must feel every night.

About 20 armed men were standing inside Verdant, all aiming their weapons at her. It suddenly dawned on her that she was a criminal- and was about to be treated as one. Felicity knew she was trembling, but it was uncontrollable.

All of a sudden, all 20 men raised their weapons and stared at Felicity wide eyed. Had she done something? Then Felicity felt a hand on her shoulder- Oliver had come back for her! No, he had come back for Diggle and her.

"Alright Felicity, it's ok," Oliver said in a hushed tone so only the two of them could hear, "I got you now."

Felicity had to resist the urge to throw her arms around Oliver. "Diggle is in the bathroom." She replied softly, instead of throwing her arms around him.

With a swift nod Oliver drew his bow and fired a smoke bomb in front of the police, and quickly pulled her down the hall and into the bathroom. Diggle was still inside, and he looked terrified.

"Felicity what the hell?" He exclaimed, only a few moments after he bold entrance with the Arrow. All she could think about was how Oliver's arm was wrapped protectively around her waist.

"We'll discuss this later," Oliver said sternly looking down at Felicity, "as for now, we have to get out of here."

Felicity felt her heart skip a beat as Oliver pulled her closer. She could feel his strong muscles and- and they were moving. Oliver guided Felicity through the hallway cautiously, Diggle not far behind.

Just before they reached the door, Oliver froze. "Let's go they're coming." He hissed, gesturing to Diggle.

Felicity's heart was pounding. Her future- and the further of Team Arrow rested on the fate of their escape. As Oliver pushed open the door, an icy blast of wind hit Felicity in the face, blowing her blonde hair around that was sticking out from under her ski mask.

Diggle, Oliver, and Felicity sprinted towards their getaway car in silence. As far as Felicity was concerned, they had kept the Arrow's secret safe- for now. What would she have done if it had gotten out? She didn't know.

Soon the three were safely inside the car with Dig at the wheel. Oliver took his hood and mask off, revealing his flawless face. Oops. Felicity had just thought that he had a flawless face.

"You were brave today." Oliver remarked, looking quite proud. Felicity blushed. Her traitorous heart picked up it's pace.

"You were too." Was her lame response. She still wasn't used to Oliver calling her brave. Felicity had always thought that Oliver found her cowardly- compared to Sara anyway.

"I want you to know that you will always be my girl, Felicity." Oliver said, his tone husky. He was restating his previous statement. When Felicity had been jealous, Oliver had assured her that she was his girl.

Felicity knew she must be grinning like an idiot. Slowly, she leaned her head so it rested on Oliver's shoulder. "I know Mr. Tightpants."

Oliver looked down at her, surprised. "Mr. Tightpants?"

Felicity felt the blood rush to her face. "I just mean that the Arrow has tight pants."

Oliver looked amused, and didn't bother to hide his smile. "You are so unpredictable Felicity."


I just love Felicity :) can't wait for he season finally!!! I think we might get some Olicity (is a kiss too much to ask for?) because of all the interviews. Ahhhhh xD

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