More Problems

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Felicity lay on the couch, her blonde hair fanned out over the pillow. They were watching The Avengers, which was a surprisingly good movie. Oliver inwardly cringed whenever someone got shot- he knew how that felt.

By the time the movie was over, it was past 10pm, and Felicity had fallen asleep. She looked so peaceful, like an angel, and once again Oliver felt guilty for putting her in danger.

"Hey," he called softly, "I should get going."

Felicity's eyes fluttered open. "Oliver, don't go..." She mumbled, and closed her eyes again. Poor Felicity, she seemed exhausted. However, Oliver wasn't going to leave her. The last time he left someone, they went to Slade...

Oliver lay on the couch beside Felicity, being careful not to wake her.



Felicity opened her eyes. It seemed that every time she opened her eyes, she was in a hospital or alone somewhere. This time it was different.

Oliver's arm was wrapped around her. Slowly making sure not to wake him, Felicity turned to face him.

Oliver looked so peaceful in his sleep. It seemed like he had finally let go of his worries.

Felicity felt so nervous. Was this really happening?

"Good morning you two." Diggle called from the doorway.

"How did you get in?" Asked Felicity in surprise. She didn't remember giving him a house key.

Oliver sat up, taking his strong arm off Felicity. "You keep a key under your housemat, we all know that." He said with a teasing smile. Diggle nodded in amusement.

Felicity rolled her eyes. Of course they knew her secret (or not so secret) hiding spot.

"Well you two look comfy." Diggle remarked, looking pleased.

Felicity blushed and noticed Oliver just smirked- he didn't deny it. Why didn't he deny it?

"Well, you better hood up." Said Diggle, turning serious.

Oliver stretched, flexing his muscles, and nodded reluctantly.


When they arrived at Verdant, it was still swarming with police. "Mr. Queen, we need you to unlock the basement door."

The lair!

Oliver noticeable paled. "I need to see a warrant." He said calmly.

The officer held up a slip of paper. "We need you to unlock the basement." He repeated.

What was going to happen? Felicity took a nervous step towards the officer. "Look, there really is no need-"

"Well, we believe that there is a need- that is why we got the warrant." The officer replied cooly.

"I don't know the password," Said Oliver, "I've been loaning it to a friend. He said he needed it."

"And which friend would that be?"

"Mr....Green..." Replied Oliver. Felicity had to hold back the urge to laugh. Not the time.

"Well, can Mr. Green come down here?" Asked the officer, sounding irritated.

"He is out of town, but he will be back in about a week." Oliver lied, buying them more time.

"If I find out you're lying..." The officer threatened.

"And we will be guarding the door." Another officer put in.

Good luck with that.


"We need to break in to the lair." Oliver said once they were out of earshot.

Felicity nodded. "But how?"

"I don't know. But we will figure something out. We always do, and I'm proud to have you by my side." Oliver said putting his hand on her shoulder.

Diggle shot Felicity a knowing look.


Guys, how do you feel about Laurel knowing his secret in the show :/

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