He loves me, he loves me not

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Magnus sighed rubbing his eyes even if it would mess up his eyeliner. He was tired, his client of the day had been a very demanding mundane who wanted to summon a demon to haunt her ex, and he was still waiting for his shadowhunter boyfriend.

He looked at the clock in the study. 2:49 in the morning. And Alec still wasn't home. He knew how late his love could be out, but still, not even a text or a phone call. He got up for maybe the fourth time for a cup of coffee.

Was it so hard for him to just send him a text message? A 'hey I'm alive?' or a 'don't stay up I'll be home late?' Alec had informed him all he had scheduled that evening was routine recon so why was he so late?

He sighed, tightened the sash on his golden sleeping gown, and sat down on his plush chair in the living room. He added a swig of alcohol to his coffee and waited some more.

Magnus awoke to the sound of the shower running, he didn't know when he had fallen asleep and hadn't noticed when Alec had snuck in. And lets be honest, he HAD snuck in, and headed straight for the shower. It was 430 in the morning when Alec finally came out of the bathroom a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Hello Alexander" purred Magnus hugging close against him and nibbling his ear.

"Hey Mags" he replied a heat building up across his cheeks. He hated yet also LOVED every time Magnus breathed his name and made him blush.

Magnus looked at his boyfriend's chest lovingly, who could blame him, the children of the Angel were all gorgeous, but he like to think that maybe God himself had sculpted the greatness that was Alec Lightwood's abs. He stopped suddenly. He had barely noticed it. Scratches on his chest right under his collar bone.

"What happened?" he asked reaching across and touching the strange marks.

Alec flinched back "nothing!" he stammered before practically running into the bedroom. Magnus thought it odd, but was too tired to question it further.

He went to the bedroom and crawled into bed, he watched as Alec got dressed and strangely put on a muscle shirt. Strange, he thought, Alec always slept shirtless.

The alarm went off horribly early as Magnus reached over to stroke Alec's arm and was incredibly disappointed when the bed was empty.

He got out of bed a pout on his lips. Late night and now an early morning, would he ever see his boyfriend?

This happened for 3 more days as Magnus sulked. He didn't want to think about it, but for all those days Alec had been acting strange, constantly ran straight to the shower, and try as he might to hide it he had more scratches on his chest and even some on his arms and just last night he had heard a strange phonecall between him and Isabelle.

"I know she's crying, I don't know Iz cant you comfort her? I'll be back tomorrow for her"

When asked about the conversation the shadowhunter had denied it and explained to Magnus maybe he had just misheard him.

And then early in the morning another phone call. "Iz no! I'll take care of it, no don't tell Magnus! I'll tell him myself. He deserves me telling him. Izzy, I promise, I'll tell him! I just need more time"

Magnus had enough, he didn't know exactly what was going on but he was drawing the line today!

Heartbroken, he loved his Alexander more than anything, but he knew he deserved so much more than someone unfaithful. He walked out to the living room to confront him, but sadly, he was already gone.

The hours passed as Magnus waited in his chair. Chairman Meow in his lap as he stroked the cat melancholy of what was going on in his life.

"How could he do this to me?" he cried to the cat who yawned. "how do you not see the emergency in this??"

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