2. Cat Got your Tongue?

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-LAST PART! WOO! :D Also, in case you haven't seen it. I entered a contest, it's labeled Malec Lovely Contests, please check it out! :D -

"372... 373...374" he counted off. Alec was nearly bouncing as he counted down, as childish as this was. He was having a great day.

So far Magnus had been easy to find, it had been too easy, he didn't even need to cheat. His secret for success? He was dating someone with a high affection for glitter. All Alec had to do was search for shiny, and with how much Magnus rubbed against trees and bushes he'd left a perfect trail to all his hiding spots.


Alec decided to stop counting, he'd give Magnus some more time. He highly considered taking a long time to make him feel better. He knew Magnus must have been tired of losing, he'd let him think he won, even if he had to search in the farthest places to buy time. He was probably in a bush, or behind a tree, somewhere simple.

Alec figured he'd waited enough "500! He yelled out" and he got up and began his half-hearted search.

He ventured towards the fountains, and found nothing, wandered past the trails, nothing. Not a speck of glitter could be seen. Wherever he had went, he'd clearly placed some thought into it.

It had been almost 15 minutes and he still couldn't even catch a trail. He considered for a moment to cheat, but thought against it. He'd find Magnus fair and square. He continued to search to no avail, maybe Magnus didn't want to be found.

Several more minutes had passed as Alec actually became concerned, where could he be?

He continued to wander around stopping only when he had bumped into something, a small yelp of a dog.

"I am so sorry!" Alec cried out bending down to grab the little fluffball.

"Watch where you're going mister!" a little girl next to him reaching for her dog.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I was distracted!" When he was sure the dog was fine, he put him down. "I'm looking for someone"

"Are you looking for the boy with the glitter?" asked the girl grabbing for her dog.

"Yes!" he looked at her excitedly "where is he?!"

"I'm not supposed to tell" she stated matter of factly.

"Well, how about a hint then?"

"I don't know"

"I'll give you a dollar"

The little girl thought about it.

"What can I even get with a dollar?" Damnit, Alec thought, of all the mundanes, he found a realist.

"Fine!" he muttered reaching into his pocket and pulling out his bill fold.

"Well I'm still not supposed to tell you that he's over there by the trees" said the girl, skipping away happily, $20 richer.

By the trees? He turned direction and headed towards where she had pointed, maybe then he'd find Magnus.


Magnus at this point had accepted his faith. It felt like hours since he'd been forced into this predicament. He'd decided, he'd just die in this tree. It could have been worse, it was a nice tree, one that would go down in history as being the tree to best Magnus Bane.

He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead against the rough bark. "I bet the Seelie Queen is having a good laugh at this" he muttered, remembering when she had informed him the plants were her eyes to the mundane world.

"Oh sweet Angel, If only I could hear the sweet voice of my Alexander before I perished from this world"

"Magnus?" came a shouting voice

Magnus looked up to the sky "Well you work fast, take any other requests?"

"Magnus?" came the voice again as Magnus remembered where he was.

"Alexander! I'm here!"

"Where!" came the confused voice. Alec scanned the area around trying to find his boyfriend.

"Here!" he yelled out in futile, deciding to wave his foot frantically.

Alec spotted the shiny shoe between the leaves and ran towards the tree. "Magnus! Why are you in a tree!"

"Because I was hiding!"

"Good Job."

"Spare me your sass mister! Help me! I don't want to die!"

"You're not going to die Magnus" he said through a laugh. His love sure was dramatic. "just climb down!"

"I CAN'T! The branch fell and I can't reach another one"

"Well then I'll climb up to you!"

Alec prepared to climb up but the first branch he grabbed gave away under his weight.

"Alexander, I don't think you can climb up here, the branches will break!" he shouted down.

"I've noticed! Hold on let me think!" he shouted back up and scratched his head.

"Sure, take all the time you need. It's not like I'M GOING ANYWHERE" came back the sarcastic response.

"Magnus. Why don't you just jump! I'll catch you!"

"No thank you Alexander. I know how clumsy you are, I'd rather not be dropped."

"Would you rather stay stuck in a tree?"

"no!" came a scared whimper

"Magnus, just jump! I WILL CATCH YOU!"

Magnus shook his head, still grabbing onto the tree.

"Magnus, look. Understand, I will never let anything hurt you. I will catch you, just trust me!" he spoke up to him.

Magnus took a deep breath and waited. "ok" he said. "tell me when you're ready!"

"for you I'm always ready" came back Alec's smooth response. Magnus shut his eyes, and let go, he waited for the impact of the ground that never came.

He opened his eyes and found himself in Alec's strong arms, a strong grip holding him close, bright blue eyes looking at him.

"See. I caught you!" he said breathlessly.

Magnus had no words, choosing rather to wrap his arms around Alec's neck and crush his lips with his own. His knight in shining armor had come for him after all. Alec almost reluctantly let him down, but grabbed his hand. "Just in case you want to climb any more trees" he had added.

"Let's go home Alexander. I've had enough excitement for the day" he said exhausted.

The pair gathered their belongings and made their way home, Magnus with his heartful after being saved, added Hide-and-seek to the list of things to NEVER do again.

-★Thoughts? Comments? :D Let me know what you think! Don't forget to ★ Also are there any prompts/topics/or scenarios you'd like for me to try writing? Let me know!-★

SO I may be kinda MIA these next couple of days, and to my fellow Southern Texans, stay safe during Harvey! :D - 

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