When The Saints Go Marching In

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Magnus paced back and forth in the small flat, waiting. He was always waiting. He looked at the time and knew around this time the door should fly open and his beloved Alexander should walk in awkwardly. They'd kiss, and hug, and whisper how much they'd missed each other. It was their thing! Their routine, and Magnus after so many years of life, was not one to break routines, and he knew Alec wasn't either. The fact that the routine was broken today, made his day gloomy.

He made his way to the kitchen and fixed himself another drink. He stopped to stare at the empty coffee mug that was left on the counter. Truth be told, he wasn't a fan of coffee, Alec was. Alec would make the coffee every morning, knowing he'd be the only one to touch it. And every day he'd rinse out his mug and put it to dry, this time however he'd left his dirty mug on the counter. Magnus observed it, he'd leave it there, he had the rest of forever for the mug to be washed and at that moment he didn't care to touch it.

He wandered over to the veranda, watching out to the muddled city of New York. He could only imagine that the shadowhunters were out there, running around like perfect toy soldiers in a stupid war for only the Angel knew what. He took a deep sigh, the wispy breath of cold wind on his skin making him shiver. It wasn't a surprise he was cold, all day the only thing he'd decided to wear was Alec's sleeping shirt, and New York winters were notoriously bad. He took a sniff of the material and cherished the smell, it still smelled like him, and he loved it.

Chairman Meow joined him, his pathetic mews reminding him it was time to head inside, the cat was hungry. Magnus gave a small smile, probably his first in the entire day. Alec was always the one to feed the chairman, Magnus was always forgetting. He leaned down and placed some of the slop-like material into his dish and watched as the cat sniffed before devouring.

He went to sit at the living room, turning on the tv for some noise, the house always seemed quiet when Alec was off at work, funny considering Alec wasn't the most talkative person. Magnus snapped his fingers and the omamori charm appeared in his palm. Poor little trinket, it looked so worn, but truth be told Magnus carried it with him everywhere. Since the night Alec had gifted it to him, it hadn't left his side, he tended to take it out when he was worried or stressed, much like he was now. He thought back to the day, going to Tokyo, the way Alec's eyes had lit up when they had portaled there. The excited way he held Magnus' hand, and like a small child pulling him along when he saw things that amazed him. The smile brought another smile to his lips, he'd have to make plans to go back to Tokyo, hopefully sometime soon.

He leaned back against the cushions of the chair and took a deep breath, waiting, still waiting.

He didn't know how much time had passed when he heard the familiar sound of someone at the door. He must have fallen asleep, he wasn't one for napping, why waste a perfectly good day, but truth be told he had been tired. Magnus hadn't been sleeping well the past several nights and it showed on his skin, the bags under his eyes told nightmares, and the way his hair fell made him almost feel ashamed. Still, he knew Alexander didn't care. His Alexander loved him for so much more than his looks, Alec had done what not many had been able to do, seen him for a mess and still loved him. He'd had several lovers in his life, but none like him. None who stayed till past the morning, and looked at him and called him beautiful. For the first time in his existence, Magnus was at peace with who and what he was, cat eyes and belly-button less and all, and all because some awkward shadowhunter boy loved him.

Magnus laughed out loud, remembering the time when Alec had discovered he didn't have a bellybutton. NOTHING else had bothered him, not the eyes or the magic, but when the shirt came off and there was only smooth skin Alec had panicked.

"MAGNUS YOU'RE BELLY BUTTON IS GONE!" He had yelped out in surprise.

"Oh no! Did it fall off?" had teased the warlock, enjoying SO MUCH the shocked look on his face the brief second before he realized it was a joke. "I don't have one, its one of my warlock markings."

"That makes sense I guess." He had muttered.

"Does it bother you?" asked Magnus afraid for a moment.

"No, its just. I've never NOT seen a belly button."

"Don't tell me you have a bellybutton fetish?" he teased again resulting in the poor boy burning beet red.

He had teased him for weeks about it!

He came back to the present and noticed the empty cup, another snap of the fingers and it was full, he downed it in one gulp.

He heard the continued struggle of the door and keys until finally the door opened. Normally he'd rush to the door and greet his lover, but today he didn't have the energy. Instead he just sat there waiting for the person to come to him.

"Hey Magnus" came a familiar voice joining him in the living room after a couple of moments.

"Hello Isabelle" he finally muttered.

"I just wanted to check up on you. Make sure you're eating. " she motioned to the once again empty cup in his hands "and not just drinking" she added solemnly.

"I can assure you. I am fine dear." He replied, but not really catching her eyes. He didn't have the strength for that. "How are you?" he asked more out of courtesy than actual interest.

"I'm as fine as I can be Magnus" she whispered. "Since he's been gone." Was all she managed before she returned to silence.

Several minutes passed until she decided to leave "I left you a bag of food in the kitchen" she muttered on her way out. "Call me if you need anything. Or you know. Just to talk."

And just like that, he was left alone again, to wait. He sat in silence waiting. And he'd continue to wait, even though he knew his soldier wasn't coming home today. Just like he hadn't come home the day before, or the day before that, or the three days before that. Just like he wouldn't be coming home tomorrow. Or ever again.

Magnus snapped his fingers again, another drink in his hand that he downed almost instantly, still waiting.

-★Thoughts? Comments? :D Let me know what you think! Don't forget to ★ Also are there any prompts/topics/or scenarios you'd like for me to try writing? Let me know!-★

-So let me apologize in advance, I have a feeling the comments I get today will all end in me saying I'm sorry. lol I felt emotional yesterday, and this came of it. Now I do have an ALTERNATE version of this and maybe I'll post it up at a later time. Hope you guys like it. :3- 

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