2. Operation Quack is a GO

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The pair sat in the living room, and waited, both eager for the reaction of their pest, I mean, roommate.

The door finally opened as Jace made his way inside. Bags in his hands as he walked into the loft.

"Jace, so nice of you to join us. We've been expecting you" Stated Magnus, the air filled with almost a villainous air.

"You know, what" started the blonde shadowhunter "I'm glad you guys are. We need to have a SERIOUS discussion about privacy and sexy time"

"I'll SAY!" shot back Alec angrily "but please. Do go first"

Jace took a seat across from them and cleared his throat.

"Ok. So, here's the thing. I've really appreciated the fact that you let me stay here Magnus and for free too"

'I've noticed" he grumbled.

"But it's time for me to leave" he added

"You don't say?" Alec muttered sarcastically "wait what?" he added finally catching what his parabatai had said.

"I'm grateful for everything. You welcomed me into your home, let me stay all the time I needed, without complaint. And I am adult enough to admit that I have been a bother. Especially when you and Alec... you know... have your special time. Alec, my brother, you have shared your happiness with me. I can't ever thank you both enough. You have been family, when I was still learning who my family was. I've brought you parting gifts."

Magnus and Alec stopped in shock, they hadn't expected this.

Jace went through the bags, and handed Magnus a neatly wrapped Package and gave the remaining bag over to Alec.

"Open! Open! I want to see your reactions!"

The pair obeyed. Alec going first, inside his bag, a new set of blades, handles wrapped in a shiny metallic finish, what looked like obsidian blades sharpened to a deadly end, more shiny black stone on the hilts. Alec remembered these, he'd wanted them so badly the last time he and Jace had gone out to a weapons market, but had been unable to purchase them. Jace had remembered them, and spent a fair amount of money to get them. The box they were in, Alec noted, had a simple inscription on the top. 'To my brother'. Alec sat in silence, unable to place words for his emotions. They moved on to Magnus

Magnus opened his package, the telltale signs of liquid, sloshing inside. He peeled off the tape to find three bottles of high end liquors. A pretty bottle in the shape of a skull, a honey brown bottle of Glenfiddich IPA cask Finish single malt whiskey, and a large bottle of Chivas Ultis. Magnus was impressed, he'd been complaining of being unable to find these and here they were. He peered further into the bag, two final things remained. He pulled out a fuzzy door hanger the words 'Go away or die' a glittery skull decorating the material as Magnus smiled at the irony of the gift. Last thing, his keys attached to a note that said, 'Thank you for giving me a home and for loving my brother more than anyone else combined'.

"Oh Jace. It was a pleasure to have you here in your time of need" Magnus cried out, for the first time really cherishing him

"Jace. You shouldn't have done this. Thank you so much" cried out Alec.

"It's the least I could do. You know. To payback my stay and apologize for intrusions. I'll get my things and be out of your hair soon! You've earned a peaceful home, without me!" he laughed out, feeling rather proud of himself in his gift giving.

The pair stood in the living room, their hearts moved by Jace's actions, they might actually miss him. I mean, sure he was bothersome, but he was a good guy. Together they remembered some of the fun moments of having him around, unfortunately, this was cut short by the sound of screaming.

"THE DUCK!" they yelled out, running to save the poor boy, who's screams were almost rivaled by the sound of angry quacking.

Almost an hour had passed, the duck now back to wherever it belonged, and Jace now beyond eager to leave. They waved him off at the door, both apologizing for the duck, and actually meaning it.

"Jace. Ducks aside, you weren't so bad to have around" Magnus spoke "if ever needed we will take you back in"

"Thanks, but I'm actually looking forward to going back to the institute. Bird free, and I don't have to walk into you two sucking face. Thanks Magnus, take care of Alec!" he yelled out shutting the door behind him, his luggage in tow.

"So, he's gone" muttered Alec "we're alone!" the magic words.

"One second!" he yelled out, grabbing his new door hanger and putting it over the door knob.

"Now! We're alone" Magnus wrapped himself tight around Alec, his hands already moving up slowly under his shirt, like a love deprived vine claiming its home.

"Yes! No more interruptions! So now, where were we?" he purred nibbling against Alec's neck. Already trying to pull his black t-shirt over his lover's head. Alec's hands already exploring his body, excited for the new freedom.

"Sorry! I forgot my jacket- OH MY GOD SERIOUSLY!" came another scream as the pair peeled themselves apart.

"JACE HERONDALE!" they both screamed.

"you know what! Keep it! I don't want that jacket anymore!" he ran out the door.

Alec adjusted his shirt, almost calmly, and opened the door.

"That's it. I'm killing him" the last words he spoke as he took off after Jace.

"I'll get the duck" cried Magnus, already close behind.


-★Thoughts? Comments? :D Let me know what you think! Don't forget to ★ Also are there any prompts/topics/or scenarios you'd like for me to try writing? Let me know!-★

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