4. Breakfast and breakdowns

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-A/N So this story has kinda of ran away from me. I know I said it would only be 4 parts, but I've determined that just isn't going to happen. Sorry for those who don't like this story.-

Alec P.O.V

His sister slid into the empty seat across from him.

"So. This place is nice" she started, trying to start a conversation.


"It smells really good in here too!"


Alec avoided her gaze choosing instead to place all his attention into the sugar packets at the center of the table.

"The staff is really cute. Don't you think?"

"hmm? Um. Never noticed."

He could feel her eyes rolling.

"Alec" she sighed "I love you very much big brother, but lets be honest here. It's ok to like it here. You can admit it. I wont judge"

Wouldn't judge? If only she knew. She'd probably hate him. That's why he'd moved out in the first place. He couldn't bare to keep lying at his parent's house. And when Izzy had asked to move in he was limited to his room. Don't get him wrong. He loved having her there, but he still couldn't be who he wanted to be. He took a deep breath and looked at her. Maybe he could use this as a stepping stone.

"You know what Iz? You're right. I really Do like this place. Its comfortable. The coffee is great. It's cozy, I don't have to worry about what people think about me." He took a moment to feel the weight of his previous concerns melt off.

Alec felt so much lighter. He looked at his sister's face to see if maybe she had picked up on it more and searched for hate. He was surprised when he didn't. She instead had a smile.

"See, that wasn't so hard right?" She egged on. "but you are missing one part. Aren't the employees here just absolutely yummy?"

Alec stopped for a minute, and figured to just through caution to the wind.

"Yes, they are" He finally spoke, feeling like a million dollars.

"Aww. Thank you Alexander. We think you are cute too" Came the voice behind him, as Magnus placed the tray of their food down on the table.

Alec froze in his chair, Magnus heard him say it. Immediately his walls came crashing around him as he looked at his sister who was busy looking between him and Magnus.

"I. Um. I. I've got to go" Was all he could manage before he shot back out of his chair and ran out the door.


By the time he made it home, he could bare see straight. His lungs burned, his mouth was dry, his eyes were not.

He opened the door and let himself inside, wiping angrily at the tears that unwillingly continued to pour. Why had he done that? Why had he opened his big mouth! Now everything was going to hell around him. And then to top it off, he ran away like a coward. Magnus must be laughing at him now. Poor little gay boy running away from the world.

Alec went to his room and threw himself on the bed. All he wanted, was to disappear.

Several more minutes passed until he heard a knock on the door. He held his breath.

"Alec? Can I come in? Are you ok?" he heard the worried tone of his sister.

"No." Was all he could force out passed his dry throat.

"Alec, let me come in. Please." When she heard nothing she knocked again. "Alec, I will pick your lock or I'll break the door. Or you can just get up and unlock it"

He refused to open the door. Refused to see her. Just refused. He continued to lay in silence for several more minutes when the door finally opened as Isabelle walked in.

She sat on the side of the bed and placed a hand on his back.

"What's wrong Alec." Still silence as she could hear the struggle of him trying to stop his sniffles. "Alec, you can talk to me, I'll understand I promise"

"no you wont." He muttered weakly. "I've messed everything up."

"What did you mess up?"


"Alec, listen to me. Talk it out, you'll feel better. I promise. No matter what it is. I love you. That won't change."

He took a deep breath and finally sat up. He pushed his legs over the side of the bed until he was sitting next to her, his shoulders leaning close against hers.

"He heard me. YOU heard me."

"heard what? That the workers were cute? Whats wrong with that?"

"I-" He stopped again, if he said it now there would be no going back. He'd have to face whatever consequence came of it. "I was talking about him"

He lowered his head in shame, hiding his face in his hands. Isabelle said nothing.

"You must hate me now. I'm sorry I couldn't be normal" he felt the tears come again as both siblings continued to sit in silence.

He felt her arms around his shoulders. "Alec, don't be crazy. I could never hate you."

"Izzy, I don't think you get it. I'm. I'm-" He struggled to say the word, but turns out he didn't need to.

"I know. I know. You don't have to force yourself to say it. I know. I've always known."

"You knew?!" He almost yelled in surprise.

"Yes I knew. It's who you are Alec. I wont ever hate you for that. It's ok. I'll always be here for you. I mean. As long as you and I don't try to go for the SAME boy. It shouldn't be a problem. We need to have an off limit list."

"Shut up!" Alec laughed for the first time that day, his heart finally beating normally. He couldn't express how happy he was.

"Come on Alec, wash your face and meet me in the kitchen. There are some still good breakfast sandwiches in the kitchen with our names on it!" She stood up and danced towards the door.

"Sandwiches sound good." He muttered. "Hey Izzy, I love you"

She turned to him and flashed him a brilliant smile. "I know, I love you too"

The rest of the day went by effortlessly as both siblings returned to their routines. They spoke openly and Alec decided to finally open up to her completely, by the end he'd never felt closer to his little sister. Things were ok, everything was going to be ok. HE prepared to himself for the evening and climbed into bed, he felt relaxed.


He reached for his phone and looked at the screen an new message caught his attention.

Unknown Number: Hello Alexander. I hope you are ok. This is Magnus. I hope you don't mind. Isabelle gave me your number.

No. It's ok. I'm ok. Thanks.

Unknown Number: Good. So, I'm going to just be straight and ask. Would you like to maybe get a drink?

Alec stared at his phone not sure if he needed to pinch himself. Apparently just winging it was working. So what the hell.

I'd like that.

A few more messages passed, Alec shut his eyes then, and slept, a smile never once leaving his face.

-Thoughts? Comments? :D Let me know what you think! Don't forget to ★!
So, yeah. Izzy time took a little longer than I thought, but I should be back on track now! :D- 

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